News & Announcements


This year we are giving out 5 scholarships of $500, 2 inhouse and 3 high school


Members from our council went to 8 am mass and after we went to Perkins for breakfast. Father Richard and 15 of our members where there.

respect for life

On May 8 we will be having hospitality after the 8 am mass. We will be giving out carnations to the mothers. Also we will be passing out baby bottles at the 4 pm, 8am,10am and 12pm mass for our respect life fund raiser.

St Pius Feast Day celebration and picnic

Thanks to all who helped on August 22 & 23 at the St Pius Feast Day celebration and picnic.  The ceremony at the church on Saturday was a great experance .  On Sunday the picnic was a lot of fun and good time was had by all. There are some pictures to look at.

Birth Right

Birth Right baby clothes the Ladies Auxillary members donated for young mothers who chose life for their babies. 

The organization's representative came from Toms River to collect the baby items.  Colorful crochet baby blankets, books, bibs, baby outfits,
Teddy Bears, and so much more spread across the table during the Ladies' Auxillary meeting on Thursday, March 12, 2015

spelling bee winners

The award for the spelling bee winners was given out at our last meeting. The 1st and 3rd place

winner are in the picture

scholarship awards

  Bob Roshak and Mike Sowa gave out the high school scholarship on June 3.  Thank you for everyones help in making this possible.

Police officer award

Last night at our meeting police officer Michael Hutman was honored for his exemplary service to the citizens of Lacey Township

St Patrick's Party

A few of our members went to the St Pius St patrick's dinner.  We all had a go time and enjoyed the food, music and

just getting together for a fun night out.

in house scholarship

Priest Dinner

Brother Knights of Chapter 6522 honored the priests of the Trenton Diocese during a dinner celebration at Doolan's in Spring Lake, New Jersey, on Tuesday, April 14, 2015.   Pictured left to right: Shawn Joel, and Brothers John Joel, Bob Roshak, and Carmen Damato represented Father Capodanno Chapter.   Knights and guests from Trenton Diocese joined together to honor the clergy and their service to their parishes.   Featured guest: Bishop David M. O’Connell C.M. 10th Bishop of Trenton. 

monthly breakfast

We are having our monthly breakfast Sunday April 19.

monthly breakfast

Our monthly breakfast has been going well.  The food has been good and it is nice to see all the people who have come out to support it.   Thanks to our members who have work hard to provide us this breakfast.  The next breakfast will be on the third sunday, March 15  9-12.

sunday breakfast

Our next Sunday breakfast will be on Feburary 8 from 9:00 to 12:00

Summer Fling Party

  We had our Summer Fling Party. About 70 attended and everyone said they had a great time. The food was catered by Sweet Jenney's and was great.  Entertainment was provided by DJ  Donny Pesce  and many had a good time dancing.  Thank you

to everyone who attended.

Soup & Sandwich

The Ladies Auxiliary fall soup and sandwich social was a great sucess. There was a lot of variety of soups and they all were

very tasty.  Thank you to the Ladies auxiliary for  a great event.


pig roast

We had our pig roast on October 11 and turned out to be a good success. It was attended by 75 of our members, family, friend.

The food was provided by Fire in the Hole Pig Roast & BBQ. The food was great and there was more than enough for

everone. I will post more pictures soon.

Keep Crist in Christmas poster contest


                On June 12 members of our council visted the vets at Crystal Lake.  We played bingo with the vets and each vet received a $20 prize.  We also brought lunch for them and spent time talking with them.  There was a nice turn out of members and thanks to all who attended. Are next vists to the vets will be on 12/11/2014 at 1:30pm.

Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest


On August 17 we had our knights of columbus picnic. We had about 40 of our members attend. There was a lot of food and a good time was had by all. Thank you to everyone who attended and all the help to make it a great day. Check out the pictures on our web site.

help for unwed mothers

             We have been collecting donations. at St Pius X church, of baby supplies, such as baby bottles, diapers, wipes etc.  This takes  place at all masses and will be on going at all masses.  These supplies will be given out to unwed mothers of Ocean County to help them and thank them for bring their baby into this world.  We will also be collecting at our Knights hall during bingo. Supplies collected have been donated to Grace Initiatives in Lanoka Harbor and Open Door in Toms River.


Christmas get together

On December 6 at 6:30 pm we had our get together to decerate the hall for Christmas. It was nice to get together to

celebrate the Christmas season and we had a lot of food and drinks and everyone had a good time. Thank you to everyone who can out.

Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest

We Announced  all the perticipents of the contest and the winners at mass Sunday 10;00 am. The winning poster can be seen

in our photo galleries.  The winning poster have be sent on to the state.