News & Announcements

Culture of Life Art Contest (Submissions due by January 26, 2024)

Culture of Life Art Contest entry submissions are due by January 26, 2024, please drop off at the Parish Office

The statewide Culture of Life Art contest is used to collect drawings from our youth in grades K-6, with the winning art to be used for the cover of the One Rose One Life prayer cards.  The One Rose One life program raises funds to support Pro-Life organizations and activities throughout Nebraska, including the donation of ultrasound machines.  

  • The contest is open to ALL Nebraska students from K-6th grade.
  • Design must be on a paper 8-1/2” x 11” (letter size) with ½” white space border. Design/image may be smaller.
  • Picture/drawing must have a Culture of Life message or theme.
  • Pencils, crayons, markers, paints, etc. can be used.
  • All entries received become the property of the Knights of Columbus Culture of Life Foundation and will not be returned.
  • Each entry must include the following information on the backside of the picture in pencil only:
    • Name
    • Age & Grade
    • Address & Phone Number
    • Council Name & Number (Christ the King Church, Council #5045)
    • Grade School or Religious Education School Name, (If home schooled, include name of parent)
    • Parish


Awards are presented at the State Convention.

  • 1st Place: The school or religious education program from which the winning entry is received will receive a $500 cash prize. The winning artist will receive a $200 cash prize. This entry will be displayed on the One Rose One Life prayers cards the following year.
  • 2nd Place: The school or religious education program from which the winning entry is received will receive a $250 cash prize. The winning artist will receive a $100 cash prize.
  • 3rd Place: The school or religious education program from which the winning entry is received will receive a $150 cash prize. The winning artist will receive a $50 cash prize.

For additional information contact John Feda 402-659-1052 or