News & Announcements

Pay Council Dues on line!

Pay on-line and avoid postage, envelopes, and paper checks.  Enter one total amount to pay.  Look at your statement for the amount of your dues, either $20 per year for regular members, or $8 for honorary members.  Optional "Penny a Knight a Day (PKD)" donation is $3.65.

Choices: (you will choose one after you click "Pay Dues on line" button below)  


  • $20.00 dues plus PKD plus card fee   $ 24.88
  • $20.00 dues plus card fee                   $ 21.12
  • $8.00   dues plus PKD plus card fee   $ 12.61
  • $8.00   dues plus card fee                   $   8.75

Click button below and select your payment choice in the "drop down" menu on the Payment page.

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Announcing COR course for spring - Chris Conard

COR is a Knights program that is meant to establish or re-establish the spiritual identity of Knights of Columbus councils throughout the world. And, some might say this is well over due.  What is COR? CLICK HERE . If you think about it, Blessed Michael McGivney did not start the Knights of Columbus almost 150 years ago just so that we could be good charitable citizens in our communities. That was done almost 20 years earlier when the ELKS formed their fraternal order.  Instead, when Fr McGivney established his fraternal service order, called the Knights of Columbus, he had a strict condition that membership be limited to PRACTICING Catholic men.  I would have to guess that one of the reasons this was so important to him is he knew that for this mission to succeed and eventually impact the lives of countless men, women, and children that is must be focused on Christ – I suppose, not unlike the early church that we are hearing so much about in the Acts of the Apostles during this Easter season.  So, it is important that we, as Bishop Peterson Council 4442,  think about our identity as faith filled, prayful, practicing Catholic men and remember that as much good as we do serving our brothers and sisters in NH and beyond, it must be second to serving and glorifying God.

Last fall, we met for six sessions.  This spring, we complete the series with the concluding six nights.  Let us refocus our sights on Christ and our responsibilities as courageous Catholic men in our families and in our communities,    This program  brings us “Into the Breach” which if you are not familiar, it is the apostolic exhortation, really a call to battle, from Bishop Olmsted back in 2015-  The Knights have done a masterful job producing a 12 part video series - Lets take a quick look at the trailer video. 


I hope that you, and we, as a council, will take this opportunity, and challenge from Supreme seriously.  I truly believe that all of our good works are only possible and sustainable if we devote as much time and effort into nurturing and growing our personal prayer lives and our relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Activity Reporting

Activity Report form

Activity Report form for BLOOD DRIVE only

Activity Reporting

Here are two files for the "Activity Report,".  One file is only for Blood Drive reporting.  The other form is for all other reporting.  Both files are "Fillable PDF."  Enter the info on-line, save the report with your event name. 

After an activity is complete, the chairman or a representative of the event should fill out the form and send it to the council address: so that the event can be recorded with State and Supreme.

(The forms posted here are copied from our Council Records file in the Members Only section of our web site.)

Council 2 Council Grant Program

Council 2 Council Grant Application

Council 2 Council General Description

Council 2 Council Grant Program

Bishop Peterson Council 4442 of Salem is offering a financial grant program to encourage other New Hampshire Councils to undertake projects and programs that might not otherwise be undertaken because of limited financial resources. Our program is intended to provide financial assistance to councils that are willing to take the lead in developing projects or programs that will boost their council’s image within their community, raise awareness within their local parishes and create activities that promote the missions of the Knights of Columbus. The ultimate goal is to build enthusiasm within those councils and give enhanced visibility in the community.

To apply for a grant, click on the APPLICATION button above.

Meeting Hall Reservation Form

Hall Rental Contract

If you wish to rent the corporation hall where the council meets, please fill out this form and submit to the hall manager, who will contact you to confirm availability.