Officers 2024-2025
-We would like to congratulate the newly elected Officers for the upcoming 2024-2025 Columbian year. We would also like to thank our outgoing Grand Knight John Kreinberg for his outstanding work over the last two years.
Grand Knight – Christopher Laurie, Deputy Grand Knight – Andrew Guarino, Chancellor – Paul Pimentel, Warden- Bob Bell, Recorder- Joseph Finistrella, Treasurer – Ken Lucadema, Trustees – John Kreinberg PGK, Lou DiFabio PGK, and Kevin Murphy PGK, Lecturer – John Calemme, Advocate – Joe Gorski, Inside Guard- Giovanni Mancini and Outside Guard- .
Chaplain - Rev. Joseph Bejgrowicz
Grand Knight - Christopher Laurie
Deputy Grand Knight - Andrew Guarino
Warden - Robert Bell
Chancellor - Paul Pimentel
Recorder - Joseph Finistrella
Inside Guard -Giovanni Mancini
Outside Guard - Open
Lecturer- John Calemme
Advocate - Joseph Gorski
Financial Secretary - Pat Leary PGK
Treasurer - Ken Lucadema
Trustees- Kevin Murphy PGK
John Kreinberg PGK
Lou Difabio PGK