
News & Announcements

Donuts with Donors - Northwoods Pregnancy Care Center

Tour the center, meet the staff and volunteers and learn about their building campaign to buy their location. Thursday, March 14th, 3-6PM



At the April 20th meeting it was reported that member donations of $1,905 were matched by Council funds, with an additional $500 donation sending $4,310 to Knights of Columbus Charities.  If you would like to donate, go to: https://www.kofc.org/secure/en/donate/ukraine.html

Your gift today will provide temporary shelter, food, medical supplies, clothing, religious supplies, and other humanitarian needs as identified as the situation continues to change. 100% OF YOUR DONATION GOES TO HELPING THOSE WE SERVE.



On January 19th we brought these gentlemen into Knights of Columbus Council #1544. From L to R.

Patrick Voss, Matt Glen, Patrick Hopkins & Jim Schumacher

Please welcome them if you see them around church or council activities!


Almighty and eternal God,
In your unfailing love you provide ministers for your Church.
We pray for those whom you call to serve the Church of Crookston as priests.
Inspire in them a generous response.
Grant them courage and vision to serve your people.
May their lives and service call your people to respond to the presence of your Spirit among us;
that, faithful to the Gospel and hope of Jesus the Christ, we may:
announce glad tidings to the poor,
proclaim liberty to captives,
set prisoners free,
and renew the face of the earth.



Tuesday, September 26th
Northland Regional shooting sports park - (3 Miles north on hwy. 89)

1st Flight of Shooting starts @ 5:30; Supper served beginning @ 6:30

One round of Trap & Steak Dinner= $30
Steak dinner only (baby bakers, Cole Slaw & Roll) = $15

Prizes awarded to top shooter & Team
Various Attendance Prizes Awarded as well
Event open to current & perspective members
R.S.V.P.’s required by Sunday, September 24th

More Information:
Contact Terry Belanger (218) 766-8378


2022 KC Walleye Classic Raffle Results





2022 K.C.W.C. Raffle Winners

$100Robert Maher (Bemidji)

$100 Shawn Sandmeyer (Bemidji)

$100 Kent Johnson (Bemidji)

$100 Dave Mueller (Bemidji)

$100 Dave Evenson (Arizona)

$100 Briana Frenzel (Arizona)

$100 Claude Sand (Park Rapids)

$100 Margaret Janke (Cass Lake)

$100 Kyle Schulke (Bemidji)

$100 Kristy Bjerklie (Thief River Falls)

$100 Joshua Illies (Buffalo)

$100 Jesse Rue (Rugby, ND)

$100 Steven Swor (Akeley)

$100 Scott Huderle (Shevlin)

$100 Tom Luft (Illinois)

$250 Steven Swor (Akeley)

$250 Erik Roed (Fosston)

$500 Jeff Zander (North Dakota)

$1,000 Kari Czapiewski (Bemidji)

Grand Prize Julie Dempsey (North Dakota)

2022 KC Walleye Classic Tournament Results

Finish Weight   Team Prize
1 23.18   Jace Peterson & Charlie Peterson $12,500, Jackets, Caps, Plaques
2 22.28   Kyle Schulke & Shane  Wagner $5,000 & Plaques
3 20.94   Bill Nelson & Wyatt Wilcox $3,750 & Plaques
4 20.67   Toby Kvalevog & Dean Kvalevog $2,500
5 20.54   Dan Rude & Craig Peterson $1,750
6 20.45   Dave Hernesman & Sean Colter $1,500
7 20.35   Dan Fuller & Alexa Fuller $1,250
8 20.00   Tony Wille & Jesse Djernes $1,125
9 19.62   Rylee Curb & Kelly Curb $1,000
10 19.47   Mark Ronning & Robbie Sather $900
11 19.23   Daniel Posner & Zachary Posner $825
12 18.64   Dan Ahlquist & Roger  Bertrand $750
13 18.50   Paul Schummer & Mike  Amble $650
14 18.33   Joe  Miller & Dustin Puffe $550
15 18.25   William Annette & Andy Fisher $450
16 18.11   Justin Mckee & Mike Mckee Two 2B Genesis Rods
17 17.92   Matt Newell & Mark Newell Two 2B Genesis Rods
18 17.84   Bryan Hanson & Conner Hanson  
19 17.76   Carl Knutson  & Steven  Heller  
20 17.76   Mike Winkler & Sean Moran $1,000
21 17.68   Joel Pemberton & Kevin Ellis  
22 17.62   Robert  Wagner & Dan  Schultz  
23 17.29   Jay Ross & Jon Ross  
24 17.23   Bruce Jean & Timothy Hahn 2 Miller Lite Prize Packs
25 17.20   Troy Torgerson & Scott Lewis  
26 17.13   Duane Peterson & Travis Peterson  
27 17.11   Andy Eichstadt  & Andy Eichstadt  Two 2B Genesis Rods
28 17.06   Mark Hightower & Mandy  Melby  
29 16.36   Rich Blomberg & Aaron Murphy  
30 16.25   Terry Smith & Brian Smith  
31 16.07   Terry Peterson & Nick Peterson  
32 16.05   Aaron Schmitz & Tony Klaers  
33 15.77   Lee Bergstrom & Erik Gaudette Two 2B Genesis Rods, Two Youth Packages
34 15.57   Stuart Dukek & Wade Dukek  
35 15.41   Tim Hinrichs & Bill Kane Two 2B Genesis Rods
36 15.28   Anthony Petersen & Seth Dremmel  
37 15.23   Tylor Johnson & Alex Anderson  
38 14.81   Nathan Reed & Ben Reed  
39 14.80   Craig Feierabend & Mitch Feierabend  
40 14.77   Carl Adams & Jason Kupcho Two 2B Genesis Rods
41 14.70   Chris Haley & Jerry Bergeron  
42 14.68   Steve Weickert & Joe Balcer  
43 14.65   Craig Miller & Mike Geller  
44 14.40   Mike Straus & Asher Straus Two 2B Genesis Rods
45 14.26   Tony Nendick & Ryan  Joy  
46 14.07   Randy Klasen & Mike Warpula  
47 13.98   Bret Setterholm & Mike  Kerzman  
48 13.76   Paul Thorne  & Aaron Templin  
49 13.68   Christian Knutson & Donnie Speck  
50 13.57   Kurt Knott & Briggs Knott 2 Milwaukee Packout Toolbox Prize Packs
51 13.51   Harold Johnson & Greg Newham  
52 13.16   Melissa Olson & Dusty Minke  
53 13.13   Steve Holley & Larry Sundquist  
54 13.11   Lowell Joy & Brandon Joy  
55 13.07   Robert Anderson & Mike  Anderson  
56 12.93   Dave Zothman & James Foehrenbacher  
57 12.87   Brian Hendricks & Luke Hendricks Two 2B Genesis Rods
58 12.75   Zach State & Rob Ritter  
59 12.60   Jordan Heller & Troy Dunlap   
60 12.25   Tony Andrews & Trevor Andrews  
61 12.01   Tom Petersen & Keith Hanson  
62 11.93   Steve Boraas & Dean Grochow  
63 11.68   Josh Coons & Jason Hadrava  
64 11.42   Scott Curb & Josh Curb  
65 11.39   Doug Weatherly & Pat  Winkler  
66 11.37   Todd Dankert & Brian Brosdahl  
67 11.30   Marv Sandbek & Corbin Hime Two Liberty HD200 Gun Vaults
68 11.17   Dane Jones & Jared Davidson  
69 11.09   Shane Kalbrener & Jeremy Miskavige  
70 10.99   Mike Hirt & Pete Lapp Two Bemidji Woolen Mills Blankets
71 10.98   Rick Engelmann & Mike Solheim  
72 10.91   Tim Graupmann & Bryon Fraser  
73 10.82   Blake Nicolay & Dan Francois  
74 10.49   Todd Imdieke & Karl Dobmeier  
75 10.25   Tim Bymark & Matthew Shermoen  
76 10.17   Travis Czerny & Jeremy  Ehrhorn  
77 9.93   Lyle  Unger  & David Olson   
78 9.68   Doug Sunde & Dan Strand  
79 9.55   Brian Lesetmoe & Mitchell Kiehne Two 2B Genesis Rods
80 9.42   Al Fagerstrom & Pete Card  
81 9.21   Brad Johnson & Jerry Johnson  
82 9.19   Andrew Thul & Jim Sutton  
83 9.02   Brent Steinmetz & Nicholas  Pfaff  
84 8.60   Jack Greengo & Gavin Greengo  
85 8.35   Luke Glime & Alan Binkley Free 2023 Registration KCWC
86 8.30   Kelly Juelson & Michael Juelson  
87 7.92   Jason Tjader & Todd Erickson  
88 7.77   Rick Whittington & Justin Whittington  
89 7.73   Marty Tallakson & Ethan Tallakson  
90 7.41   Dawson Bullock & Chad Bullock  
91 7.13   Jason Dixon & Rob Needham  
92 6.84   Dale Groth & Chris Justice  
93 6.60   Jamie Lindseth & Zach Lindseth  
94 6.10   Mike  Holter & Mitch Holter  
95 4.57   Donny Wilcox & Mark Wilcox  
96 4.46   Scott Fogelson & Steve Fogelson  
97 3.83   Jimmer Hernesman  & Steve Heller  
98 3.61   Donald Anderson & Jason Jolicoeur  
99 3.42   Calvin Eide & Kelvin Hughs  
100 2.64   Christopher Curb & Alan Curb  
101 2.23   Tyler Kondos & Dan Kondos  
102 0.00   Tim Vigen & Jonny Zastrow  

2022 Fraternal Survey

Annual Fraternal Survey

Pleased to report Bemidji Council #1544 Fraternal Activities for 2022. 

Honorary Life Membership for Ron Arel

Congrats to Ron Arel on achieving Honorary Life Membership, no more dues for this hard working and worthy Knight!  Ron is pictured receiving his card from FS Joe Bofferding.

Tuition Assistance for Knights!

Bemidji Council #1544 donated $3,000 for tuition assistance for Knights at the November council meeting. Six names were drawn at random to award $500 each towards Catholic Education for brother Knights.  Accepting the check is Pastor Rev. Bill DeCrans from DGK John Marcum.


Your gift today will provide temporary shelter, food, medical supplies, clothing, communications and religious supplies. These items will all be immediately distributed, and 100% of your gift will go directly to these displaced people.

Join us today in supporting Ukraine Solidarity Fund!

Please prayerfully consider how you can contribute to this effort. Your gift of any amount will go a long way in helping our brothers and sisters. Together, we can bring Christ's healing love to a wounded world. CLICK HERE to donate.

KC Donate to St Philips Faith Formation

Council #1544 donated $2,000 to Faith Formation program for meals and materials needed. Sue Hengel accepts check from FS Joe Bofferding

Tuition Assistance for Knights!

Father Bill DeCrans accepts $3,000 to be used for six $500 tuition awards to Knights with children at St Philips School. Members were selected at November council meeting in a random drawing.  Fr Bill is pictured with DGK John Marcum and FS Joe Bofferding.

Donation to Northwoods Pregnancy Ctr

Council #1544 donated $3,000 to the Pregnancy Ctr at our November Council Meeting. Director Kelly McDonough accepts check from DGK John Marcum.

Phil Hodapp receives Honorary Membership

Congratulations to Brother Phil Hodapp, here receiving his Honorary Membership card from GK Randy Lipscy at the October board meeting.

Tim Lucas Receives Honorary Life Membership Card

Congratulations to Brother Tim Lucas receiving his Honorary Life Membership card from DGK John Marcum at the October council meeting!

Walleye Classic Distribution Held

WOW! $68.826 distributed to beneficiaries of 2021 Walleye Classic.

Tournament revenues were earned through tournament entry fees, sponsorships, donations, and the annual raffle sponsored by Corner Sports/Lund/Mercury. The beneficiary organizations listed below support the tournament by providing thousands of hours of volunteer service toward event planning, raffle ticket sales, and tournament operations.

Bemidji Youth League Baseball
Wounded Warrior Guide Service
Bemidji Area Special Olympics
Fishing Has No Boundaries
Let’s Go Fishing
Take A Kid Fishing
Bemidji Boy Scouts

Bemidji High School Fishing Team
DNR Fisheries
Knights of Columbus Council #1544

Thank you to many volunteers. As we gear up for 2022 we are looking for a few organized and motivated members to step up and assist in this huge endeavor.  Many talents are needed to pull this off, what's your talent? Can you contribute? Contact DGK John Marcum to discuss: (320) 293-4515.


Have you had a chance to see the video from our Coats for Kids distribution at Red Lake Mission School? WATCH VIDEO to see Mike Hougen, Principal, talk about this program. Our Council with the assistance of SK Terry Belanger, also distributed at his school.

Walleye Classic Results

Click HERE for results and prizes

It was a great day on the lake, results are attached, here are some fun statistics:

  • 587 total fish submitted - this is lower than the number actually caught as some teams did not bother to record fish not needed for their leaderboard.
  • Big Fish: 26" and there were two of them caught!

Tournament Winners: Father/Son team of Kelly & Rylee Curb with total weight of 20.0 LBS


The tournament would not be possible without our great sponsors - please consider patronizing these business and say Thank you!

  • Acme Tools; Milwaukee Tools; Honda Power
  • Ray's Sport & Marine - Lund Boats, Mercury Marine & Shoreland'r Trailers
  • Paul Bunyan Communications - Home of the GigaZone
  • Paul Bunyan Broadcasting / Hubbard Broadcasting - KB101, KZY, Z99, KBUN & Lumberjack Sports Network
  • RP Broadcasting - Mix103, Babe 98.3,WMIS The River, 1360 Talk Radio, AM1300 The Legends
  • Bernick's - Home of Miller Lite - Official Rules Mtng Sponsor
  • CK Dudley's - Beer, BBQ, Bemidji - Official BBQ Sponsor
  • Northland Fishing Tackle - Official Tackle Sponsor
  • Jimmy John's - Official Delivery Sponsor
  • Northwoods Bait and Tackle
  • Sanford Health - Official Health Care Provider
  • MIdnight Sun Spas - hot tubs, pools, leisure - Official Hot Tub Sponsor
  • Bar 209 Food Drink Fun
  • Kraus Anderson Construction Co
  • Northern Paving
  • Bemidji Chrysler Center & Honda of Bemidji
  • Zetah Construction
  • Kenny's - Same Family, Same Location, Since 1954
  • Krigbaum & Jones CPA's
  • North Central Door Co.
  • Marco
  • Kelly's Plumbing
  • LVI Supply
  • Frenzel Construction Inc
  • Lepeir Shoreline & Outdoors
  • Dondelinger GM of Bemidji
  • Lueken's Village Foods
  • Corner Garage Sales & Rentals
  • Frontier Electric
  • Keg & Cork
  • Polar Insulation
  • Enbridge
  • Skeeter Stitch - Embroidery & Screenprint
  • Ken K Thompson Jewelry
  • Peterson Sheet Metal
  • Farmers Insurance
  • Bank Forward / Insure Forward
  • Pepsi Nei Bottling
  • Old Dutch 
  • Tony's Body Shop
  • Ottertail Power
  • Ace Hardware - The Helpful Place
  • Diamond Custom Rods


Joe Vene Shares His Experience Singing for the President

At our Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 15, we were able to watch a video of Brother Joe Vene sing the National Anthem at the recent rally for President Donald Trump. After the video, Brother Joe shared what the experience was like. 


Northwoods Pregnancy Center Annual Fall Banquet, Tuesday, Oct 12, 2021. Purchase tickets on website: CLICK HERE

KC's Donate $500 to Bemidji Area Food Shelf

KC's Donate $2,000 for BSU Mission Trip

Council 1544 donated $2,000 to the 15 Bemidji State University students who were part of the BSU Newman's Club annual Mission Trip.  The students mission trip involved feeding the homeless and working in shelters in Miami Florida. 


2020 State Free Throw Contest Winner

On Friday, June 12th , Jesse Kosloski SMD and Randy Lipscy,DGK presented Kate Conrradi with a trophi for winning the State Girls age 13 Free Throw Contest.

2020 District Free Throw

Winners from our District Free Throw Championship at St. Philip's

Walleye Classic Result








The Walleye Classic Committee would like to thank all Knights for their help on the 20th Annual Walleye Classic, sponsored by Acme Tools, Milwaukee Tools & Honda Power.

Here is a list of KCWC Raffle Winners - Grand Prize Winner: John Halcrow!

Andrea Brodina (Puposky) $100
Herb Bromenshenkel $100
Lisa Ganske (St. Paul) $100
Cory Haack $100
Tessa Hegna $100
Matt Johnson $100
Jennifer Morehart $100
Kim Mueller $100
Nolan Naegeli $100
Randy Nyberg $100
Robin Peterson $100
Dorthy Radermacher (Forest Lake) $100
Gretchen Spears (Ponemah) $100
Jim White $100
Todd Wilson (Kelliher) $100
Trista Stough $250
Dan Voss $250
Andrew Scofield $500
Mike Winkler $1,000
John Halcrow - Grand Prize

(Lund Boat/Motor/Trailer provided by Ray's Sport and Marine and Mercury Marine)

Council 1544 Give $1,000 to Northwoods Pregnancy Care Center

The Knights of Columbus council 1544 has once again donated $1,000 to the Northwoods Pregnancy Care Center to help them in their fight against abortion. 


Northwoods Pregnancy Care Center is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping women, men and families facing not only unexpected and challenging pregnancies, but everyday parenting challenges.  The staff and support counselors at Northwoods Pregnancy Care Center recognize you will have to make some difficult decisions that will alter your life, but it is important to know you are not alone. Northwoods provides moms and dads support you before, during and after pregnancy.


Pictured here is Sissie Pennel, Executive Director, receiving the check from Grand Night Dan Voss. 

2018 Bemidji Marcg for Life

The KC's once again stepped up to support the unborn.  Approximately 100 people marched in defense of life. 

The march took  place at noon on January 20, 2018.  The day’s events began with a gathering at the Beltrami County Courthouse, followed by a march down Beltrami Avenue finishing at St. Philip’s Catholic Church. Nearly one-hundred people braved the cold to attend the March for Life drawing attention to the atrocities of abortion and the pain it causes mothers and fathers.  A short program followed  the march followed by a soup and sandwich luncheon served by the Knights of Columbus.  Lakeland Public Television carried the story.  https://lptv.org/bemidji-march-for-life-brings-awareness-to-options-outside-of-abortion/ 


Abortion Facts:  (Minnesota Dept. of Health)

  • 43% of abortions in Minnesota are paid for with taxpayer funds.
  • 9,953 abortions were performed in 2016, an average of more than 27 every single day.
  • 56% of abortions in Minnesota were performed by Planned Parenthood.
  • 94 Minnesota women having abortions in 2016, had six or more previous abortions.
  • Reasons given for abortions:
    • 29% of the women reported “Economic reasons.”
    • 70% of the women reported “Does not want children at this time.”
    • Less than 1% of the women reported that the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest.


Council 1544 Donates $500.00 to local chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization

Saint Paul Street Evangelization is a grass roots, non-profit, organization that was founded in 2012.  There are more than 300 chapters in America with seven chapters in Minnesota, along with chapters worldwide.  “Saint Paul Street Evangelization works in fidelity and obedience to the Catholic Church and her Magisterium.”  Baptized Catholics are called to evangelize and be witnesses for Christ.  St. Philip would go through the streets & marketplaces of Rome and talk to young people about the faith.  Saint Paul Street Evangelization builds a bridge of trust, in a non-confrontational way, between people on the street and in our communities, and our parishes. 


Saint Paul Street Evangelization offers to lay people training and supplies such as, pamphlets to copy, talks to burn on CD’s, rosaries, religious and Miraculous Medals, and holy cards at bulk cost, for their evangelization outreach.  They train lay people how to form a relationship with people on the streets and those we encounter daily in our families and our community, to break down the barriers, answer questions, invite back and to pray with them.  This bears much fruit for the church and dispels misunderstandings that gain momentum in our culture.  Currently, the Bemidji group has eight team members in their Chapter with one more interested in starting.

KC Walleye Classic Distributes $46,782

On September 19, The Knights of Columbus Walleye Classic distributed $46,782 to ten different charitable beneficiaries, an increase of nearly $9,000 over the previous year. Tournament revenues were earned through tournament entry fees, sponsorships, donations, and the annual raffle sponsored by Corner Sports/Lund/Mercury. The beneficiary organizations listed below support the tournament by providing thousands of hours of volunteer service toward event planning, raffle ticket sales, and tournament operations.

Bemidji Youth League Baseball
Wounded Warrior Guide Service
Bemidji Area Special Olympics
Fishing Has No Boundaries
Let’s Go Fishing
Take A Kid Fishing
Bemidji Boy Scouts
George Pelawa Foundation
DNR Fisheries
Knights of Columbus Council #1544

Over a 17-year tournament history, the Kraus Anderson/Knights of Columbus Walleye Classic has distributed a total of $694,528 to great community causes!

The Knights of Columbus Walleye Classic, presented by Acme Tools/Milwaukee Tools/Honda Power Equipment, a competitive, live-release walleye-fishing tournament was held Saturday, June 10, 2017 on Lake Bemidji and Lake Irving. One hundred two-person teams competed for more than $50,000 in cash and prizes. The 2017 Classic was won by Harold Johnson and Marv Sandbek.

This tournament was a continuation of the proud 16-year tradition begun as the Kraus-Anderson Walleye Classic. Kraus-Anderson handed management of the tournament over to the Knights of Columbus in the fall of 2015.

Next year’s tournament will be held on Lakes Bemidji and Irving on June 9, 2018.

Council 1544 gives $250 to Evergreen Youth and Family Services

Grand Knight Daniel Voss and Trustee, Phil Hodapp present a $250 check to the Evergreen Youth and Family Services organization.  


Evergreen Youth & Family Services is a private, non-profit youth and family service provider. In the past 40 years, Evergreen has developed a safety net of services to strengthen youth, preserve families, and help support successful transitions to adulthood. Evergreen's services are primarily provided through two program sites based in Bemidji, MN.

Every year, 2500 children, youth, and young families come to us for emergency food and shelter, mentoring, independent living skills training, counseling, pregnancy prevention, transitional housing and community suicide prevention.

Youth and families of all backgrounds and walks of life are welcome. Approximately 60% of the youth we serve each year are Native American or mixed race, 30% are Caucasian, and 10% are African-American, Asian, Hispanic, or mixed race.

Johnson and Sandbek Win the 2017 KC Walleye Classic

BEMIDJI -- For the first time in 17 years, it looked like repeat champions were going to be crowned at the Knights of Columbus Walleye Classic on Saturday.

Aaron Murphy and Rich Blomberg were sitting in first place after 98 of 100 teams weighed in, having reeled in 15.98 pounds of walleye. But the duo of Harold Johnson and Marv Sandbek stole the show -- and the $12,500 grand prize -- with 16.18 pounds as the second-to-last team to weigh their catch.

“I never saw myself as being a champion of this tournament because of the outstanding fishermen that are here,” said Sandbek, who resides in Braman, Okla. “Never in my wildest dreams. Never. This is a stunning surprise. I’m grateful, I’m humbled and this is gonna take a while to sink in.”

“This is a group of fishermen here that is real tough to compete with. There’s so many good fishermen,” added Johnson, of Fridley, Minn. “You gotta get a little bit of luck to win one of these things. That was our big key today.”

And, out of all 200 anglers, Johnson and Sandbek teamed up to reel in the largest fish of the day with a 7.64-pound walleye. It gave them the ability to jump to first place with just four walleye, instead of the allotted five that it usually takes to win the tournament.

“We put a plan together that we thought was gonna work with the west wind, and it just so happened that it worked out fantastic,” said Johnson. “Last year we finished 10th, which was a surprise to us… (This year), I’m happy to win.”

It was an unlikely victory, especially with all the talent out on the waters.

“We have a lot of very fierce competitors as a part of this tournament,” said Joe Czapiewski, KCWC Tournament director. “All of the teams that were at the top of the order for this tournament did a tremendous job… They did very well and reflected the kind of fishermen they are.”

Marv Sandbek (second from left) and Harold Johnson with their winnings.

Marv Sandbek (second from left) and Harold Johnson with their winnings.

While Johnson and Sandbek took home the $12,500 prize for first place, Murphy and Blomberg were awarded $5,000 for their second-place finish. Justin McKee and Mike McKee rounded out the top three with a $3,750 prize after catching 14.78 pounds of walleye.


Lakeland Public Television also covered the event on the Lakeland News.

November 27, 2015 | Vol. 12, No. 63

Red Lake Tribal Officer Alea Richardson and KC Chancellor Dan Voss pose with happy kids

Members of the Knights of Columbus Council #1544 (KC's) of Bemidji traveled to the Ponemah Elementary School and the Head Start Program in Ponemah on Wednesday, November 25, 2015, to distribute 60 new winter coats to kids who needed them.

A delegation made up of KC's, law enforcement and elected officials participated in the gifting. Red Lake Tribal Officer Alea Richardson, joined Beltrami County Sheriff Phil Hodapp (also KC Grand Knight), Beltrami County Commissioner Tim Sumner, KC and Mix 103.7 station manager Dan Voss, and Ponemah Elementary School Community Liaison Ashley Johnson took part.

"The Knights and law enforcement committee were warmly received by school officials and teachers and the children were thrilled to get their Thanksgiving gifts," said Hodapp. "The children were all smiles after receiving their new jackets."

A youngster joins KC Chancellor Dan Voss (also (RP Broadcasting Mix 103.7 FM station manager) and Sheriff Phil Hodapp

"I had a great time this morning visiting with students and faculty in Ponemah, Minnesota," said KC Chancellor Dan Voss (also (RP Broadcasting 103.7 FM station manager). "We were able to distribute 60 winter jackets to children at the school courtesy of the Knights of Columbus. There were a lot of smiling faces. During the hustle and bustle of the holiday, it's great to be able to do something for others."


Beltrami County Commissioner and Red Lake member Tim Sumner thanked the KC's, "The kids were excited and greatly appreciated it. Thanks, guys!"

Thanks to the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus who shipped the coats to the local council for distribution.

The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882. Originally serving as a mutual benefit society to low-income immigrant Catholics, it developed into a fraternal benefit society dedicated to providing charitable services, promoting Catholic education and actively defending Roman Catholicism in various nations.

Brother Dan Shea Becomes a Distict Deputy

At the mid summer meeting for the Minnesota Knights of columbus, Brother Dan Shea was installed as the district 11 district Deputy.

Knights of Columbus Donate $11,950 to Northwoods Pregnancy Care Center

The Bemidji Council # 1544 of the Knights of Columbus is proud to announce the acquisition of a matching fund grant of $11,950.00 from the KC Supreme Council in New Haven, Connecticut for the Northwoods Pregnancy Care Center in Bemidji, Minnesota.  This grant was part of the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative to help the Pregnancy Care Center purchase a new ultrasound machine to aid in their mission of helping pregnant women considering abortion a new way of viewing the life within them.

The Bemidji Council and Kelliher KC Council assisted the Northwoods Pregnancy Care Center with local fundraising for the matching funds and applied in 2014 for the grant.  The Bemidji Council was recently notified of their successful application and presented the check to Executive Director Vicky Mansson.  As the check was presented on Monday, the Knights were accompanied by Father Chuck Huck, Father Don Braukmann and, Associate State Chaplain for the Knights of Columbus Fr. Raul Perez-Cobo Pastor of St. Patrick’s in Kelliher.

Northwoods Executive Director Vicky Mansson stated, “The Pregnancy Center is so thankful there are groups like the Knights of Columbus who value life so much.  An Ultrasound is often all it takes to save a baby from abortion and a family from a lifetime of heartache.  When a pregnant woman comes in stating she is thinking about aborting her baby, we ask if we can perform a very limited ultrasound.  The scan is done to show the Mom the baby has a heartbeat (as early as 6 weeks), that the baby is in her womb and to determine how far along she is in her pregnancy.  We want moms and dads to have the facts and know the truth before they make a decision that will last a lifetime.  We’ve already had one mother chose life for her baby and we know there will be many more.”

As of March 2015, numerous local and state councils have qualified for matching funds from the Supreme Council office towards the purchase of over 540 ultrasound machines at a cost of over $16.1 million, with additional state and local council fund raising campaigns for ultrasound machine purchases either in progress or to be launched in the near future.

Ultrasound exams, which are medically indicated throughout pregnancy for a variety of diagnostic reasons, use ultrasound waves to scan a women’s abdomen, creating a picture or “sonogram” of the baby in her uterus. Without K of C support, most pregnancy care centers would be unable to purchase the ultrasound machines, each usually costing tens of thousands of dollars.

The sophistication of today’s medical technology provides a “window on the womb” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. “Even from the early stages of pregnancy, a mother can see her developing child, hear the baby’s heartbeat, and to recognize the miracle of the new life within her.”

The Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative seeks to provide medically certified pro-life pregnancy care centers with the modern technology to monitor the health of babies in utero, and to allow mothers to visually experience their development.

Member Death

Brother Raymond Theisen of our council passed away. He was a 45 year 3 rd Degree Honorary Life Member. His Wake will be at Cease Funeral Home in Blackduck March 27th. Visitation is from 5-7 then a prayer service and then we will be leading the Rosary. The Funeral will be on Saturday at 11 AM at the Catholic Church in Blackduck.

We will CAR POOL from St Philips on Friday evening and will be leaving at 6:30, please try and attend.

Thank you,

Dan Shea

Brother Tim Hodapp Speaks at Council Meeting

Brother Tim Hodapp joins us while on leave from the U.S. Marines.  Cpl. Hodapp shares his ministry demonstrating how a soldier can hang on to his faith while at war.  No matter if it is a few moments with a small prayer group, a church service in the field, or just a time for personal prayer, Tim shares his Catholic faith.   








Volunteer Appreciation Supper



In appreciation for all the good works that so many of our parishioners do, the church and school staff are going to host a volunteer appreciation supper for anyone (and their families) who volunteer in any capacity at the church, school, or the Clothing Depot.  We want to reach as many of our volunteers as possible, so we are sending you this invitation with the hope that you will forward it on to the other members of your ministry.  Below I will list your names and the ministry that is associated with you.


The supper is very informal with no program attached to it.  We simply want everyone to come, eat, and enjoy each other’s company!  The date is Tuesday, May 19 so please do not hesitate in getting the word out to your volunteers – as this is a new endeavor for us, we would like to have RSVP’s in by the 15th to insure we prepare adequate food.  Your help in forwarding the invitation is greatly appreciated!


GK Phil

Tootsie Roll Drive a Great Success

Knight's of Columbus Council 1544

Raises $4,322.81 from Tootsie Roll Drive

Will be distributed to local agencies.

Strategic Plan Posted for Review

K of C 1544 Strategic Plan

The Knights of Columbus 1544 planning committee and the board have finished the stragic plan which will guide our concil for the next few years.  Attached is a copy of the plan for your review.  Please take time to figure out where you fit into the Plan, and where you are on the Participation Builder chart. 

Supreme Chaplains Challenge for September 2021

This month, I challenge you to watch the “Leadership” episode of the Into the Breach video series and use the study guide to reflect on what true humility and service look like. Second, I challenge you to participate in the Faith in Action Soccer Challenge or Free Throw Championship program. Men must become leaders through developing their character. True leadership seeks greatness and brings out greatness in others. Robert Yates discusses his service in the Air Force and highlights the importance of being servant leaders. Watch the LEADERSHIP VIDEO by clicking link.

Two New Knights Join Council 1544

Welcome to our two new Knights Larry Selby and Michael Lauer.  A big thanks to brother Dan Shea who was able to run them through the First Degree via national's new First Degree film. 

Richard Riewer Joins Council 1544

Our Knights of Columbus council continues to grow adding seven new members in the last week including Richard Riewer.

Hodapp Knights Celebrate BCA Generations

Knights of Columbus member Jake Hodapp being sworn in as a BCA Agent on February 11th, 2015. Jake receives his new badge from his father Phil Hodapp, former BCA Agent and Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus Council 1544.

Grand Knight Column from the Church Bulletin

Our Culture of Life Programs continue to provide strong momentum for the success of our Prolife Movement in Minnesota, but more needs to be done as we continue to slowly change from a culture of death to one of life. Our prayer plays a huge role in our response against the attacks on the sanctity of life. Catholics and Christians join together in prayer at vigils outside abortion mills, at walks and marches for life, and at prayer services for life. Tens of thousands of individual rosaries are said by Catholics and their families in homes and churches every day.


Did you know the motto of the Knights of Columbus “We Change Lives- We Save Lives” is taken very seriously by KC councils across America in the form of our Ultrasound Initiative? Our Ultrasound Initiative has made a significant impact in Saving Lives and Changing Lives through our partnership with pregnancy care centers. They do an amazing job, offering free services to women, with counseling, clothes, and materials for their baby. There are almost 90 PCCs in Minnesota. Through their loving compassion and caring, they give women hope and change their hearts with the help of ultrasound machines. The Minnesota Knights of Columbus now have placed 21 ultrasound machines in women pregnancy care centers.   We have been told that young women who see their baby on an ultrasound are far less likely to abort their baby once they’ve seen the proof of life in their womb. This initiative is truly saving lives!


The Bemidji Council #1544 has been working with the Bemidji Pregnancy Care Center to raise funds for a new ultrasound machine for our facility here. In Bemidji, the old ultrasound machine was at its “end of life” as it had been a well-used machine when our facility acquired it from the St. Cloud Pregnancy Care Center. The good news is fundraising for half the cost of a new machine has been completed and we are currently working with the KC Supreme council to seek additional help in funding to defray costs of the second half of the machine.   If you are interested in still contributing to this worthy cause, please contact any KC member or the Bemidji Pregnancy Care center for further details.


On Thursday Night, February, 19th, our local Council is hosting a First Degree admission ceremony for any men who wish to join the Knights. To join the Knights of Columbus contact any member or call the numbers on the left side of this page for more information /or simply show up on Thursday, 02/19/2015 at 6:10 PM at St. Philip’s and we will welcome you into our council.


Phil Hodapp

Grand Knight

Knights Help with Bemidji's 2015 March for Life

In conjunction with the 1973 Roe Vs Wade decision to legalize abortion, Knights of Columbus Council 1544 members marched for life. The march started at the Beltrami County courthouse ending at St. Philips Catholic Church. Over 85 people braved the snowy weather to show their support for the unborn. The Knights of Columbus 1544 supported the march with participants, and prepared a luncheon following the event. Representative Dave Hancock spoke about current efforts being introduced into the state legislature to support the unborn and elderly.