News & Announcements

Adoration in the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul

Please consider Adoration in the Chapel of Sts. Peter & Paul.  This is a worthwhile endeavor for each of us individually and for our friends and family members.  Please go by the Adoration Chapel at Sts. Peter & Paul, check out the Chapel and pick up a Commitment Form.  Great graces are available to us when time is well spent in adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Contact Janet Cox at for additional information.


Starting in February 2022, General Business meetings will be held at Samperi Hall (Cathedral Basement).

K of C Service Hours

KC Service Hours – We have been missing the boat on recording our service hours for all the things each of us are doing in service to the parishes, the schools and the diocese.  Go to, click on Members Only, put in your ID No. and your birthdate, then work through the lists to figure out how, what and where to enter in your service hours.  I have in mind, particularly, all the hours several Knights put in at St. Vincent de Paul Center every week.  Several of these guys are long time Knights, but we never see them here at the meetings or the events we have.  They are active in their interests at the Center.  We should acknowledge them, get their service recorded and draw them into our activities.  (Of course, our assistance is needed in their activities, too, wherever and whenever we can).  We should consider a short news item for the Knights in Action section of the monthly Columbia magazine.


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