News & Announcements

Council #14055 earns Columbian Award for 2016-2017
Council #14055 earned the Columbian Award for 2016-2017. The Columbian Award is given to Councils that are deemed outstanding in their implementation of the Service Program. The award is a tangible testimonial of the efficiency, industry and excellent activity program of the council. Those councils that earn the award should display it with justifiable pride. Be sure to look for the award in the Knight's display case in Bishop's Hall.
The Grand Knight during 2016-2017, SK David Matocha, accepted the award on behalf of his officers and all the members of Council #14055. "Without all the members working together for the betterment of Saint Mary Cathedral and the Knights of Columbus of Council #14055, this award would not have been possible." stated SK Matocha.
Ethics and Integrity in Ministry
If you have not completed the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry workshop please click here and sign up for an upcoming session. All knights are requred to go through this training.

Ken Saffell named Knight of the Year for 2017-2018
Please congratulate Brother Ken Saffell, past Worthy Deputy Grand Knight, for being named our Council's 2017-2018 Knight of the Year. Brother Saffell is a regular at many of our council events and is always offering to volunteer to help in anyway. He also represents our council as a member in our Parish Council. Brother Saffell is an excellent example of what it means to be a Knight of Columbus. We are very fortunate to have him as a member of our council.

Kevin Farris Family named 2017-2018 Family of the Year
Please congratulate Brother Kevin Farris for having his family named as our council's Family of the Year for 2017-2018. Brother Farris is our Worthy Recorder and he and his family are often seen at, and helping with, many of our council activities. Brother Farris donates his time to make a wonderful wooden item to be used as a donation from our council for the School Gala. He is currently working on making a wooden ballot box for our council and then perhaps a wooden storage case for our council officer jewels.
Please let Kevin and his wonderful wife, Kim, know how proud we are of them and their family. Our council and parish simply would not be complete without the Farris family.

Council #14055 earns the Spirit Award for 2016-2017
Council #14055 earned the Spirit Award for 2016-2017. New for 2016-2017, the Texas Spirit Award is similar to the Star Council award. It is to recognize those councils who work so hard during the year but for various reasons, struggle to obtain their Membership and/or Insurance goals. The criteria for the Texas Spirit Award are similar to Star Council with the exception of membership and insurance. A council must show positive growth in both Membership and InsuranceTexas Spirit Award.
While a Council can't always fully control who joins or purchases insurance during a given year, they can control the quality of the programs and goals they set. Council #14055 should be honored to achieve the requirements for the first ever Spirit Award. Look for it in the Knight's display case in Bishop's Hall.