News & Announcements

Coats for Kids Program

Coats for Kids is an ongoing program chaired by Brian Greene to purchase and distribute coats for children in need. Donations will be accepted to procure $30 coats to be distributed in schools throughout the GTA for kids in need throughout the colder months.

Please reach out to program chair Brian Greene for further information and how to donate.

Articles and News from Brother Jim Connors June 2023


Where are they? How are they?

It’s a sad fact of life that as years go by, we tend to drift away from people. We don’t telephone as often; we don’t attend as many social functions; it isn’t intentional it’s just the way life is. We are always commenting that we must call this one or that one, but never seem to do so. How often do we tell people if we should at a mall, or on the street “give me a call sometime” but so often sometime never seems to materialize. It’s not intentional it’s just life. On a number of occasions working on our roster, we have found that a brother has moved into a “long term home” or has passed away. We have many members at advanced age that we have lost track of. It’s a two-way street, calls go both ways. Brothers make that call, tell someone you are well, and let that person tell you that they are well. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

In the case of sickness or death please call me at 416-698-5190 or notify any other brother. Keep in touch with all our friends. Reach out.


St. Vincent de Paul

Every week as we leave the church we pass the St Vincent de Paul boxes, make sure you bring a little extra, the poor boxes are never overflowing. And think of the poor and lonely on the streets, if you can spare a little change?

Yours in fraternity,

Jim Connors (PGK)

Vivat Jesus


Songs of the Street

“But to an old forgotten soldier, the dawn will come no more, for the old man has gone home from the forest.”

These words are taken from the song “Home from the forest”. This is the story of an old man of the streets in the cold wet snow of winter that is not seen by all those who pass by.

“Don’t you tell me you’re lonely and say for you that the sun doesn’t shine. Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London. I’ll show you something to make you change your mind.” This is taken from the song “Streets of London” written by Ralph McTell.

“And going back many years to the depression a song called “Hobo Bill’s Last Ride”. The song tells the story of a hobo “riding the rails” and dying all alone in a box car.

These stories of real people who forever live not only on the fringes of city but all around us, not only in the street. There are poor all about us: the familiar who barely get enough to eat; children go to bed hungry wake up hungry and go to school the same way.

Yours in fraternity,
Jim Connors (PGK)
Vivat Jesus

Elected Council Members from June 12, 2023 AGM Elections


Newly elected Title

Name of Brother Knight

Grand Knight

Mark Lubinski

Deputy Grand Knight

Brian Greene

Past Grand Knight

Paul Crawford


Ross Saturno


Jerry McGorrody


David Gottlieb


Anthony Matthews

Inside Guard

David Thorell

Outside Guards

Velodymyr Odeshkiv

Mark Brown


Mark Jako (new 1 of 3)


Henry Miller