News & Announcements

Applications for 2024 Scholarships are open

Lumen Christi 2024 Scholarship Application

It's time once again to award scholarships. The guidelines are below.

Applications must be received by June 15, 2024. See the form attached in this announcement.


1. Applicants must meet all qualifications for entry into, and be accepted by, an institution of learning as
defined in guideline 2 below.
2. The Educational Grant money must pay for an undergraduate education in a University, College, Junior
College, Technical School, Business School, or Seminary. The Educational Grant money will be paid to
the institution of the student's choice upon written confirmation of the student's acceptance at the
3. The applicant must be a graduating High School Senior or must have a high school diploma and is
continuing his/her education. Applicants may apply each year they are in college, up to their senior year
in college. Members of Council 13520 may also apply.
4. The applicant must be a practicing Catholic and member of All Saints Catholic Church.
5. A child or grandchild of Council 13520 members or member of Squires Circle 5717, not attending All
Saints Catholic Church, may apply but must list their individual Catholic Church, pastor, and pastor’s
phone number below.
6. A committee of the Knight of Columbus, Council #13520 will decide the eligibility of the applicants. If
no eligible applicant is found, then a scholarship/Grant will not be awarded. The committee may also
decide to split the Scholarship/Grant. The committee’s decision is final.
7. The application form must be complete, all instructions followed, and received by or post marked by
June 15 of the current year.
8. The application may be delivered to a committee member or the Grand Knight of Council #13520
9. The Scholarship/Grant will be awarded based primarily on scholastic performance, community service,
and established need. Other items listed on page four will also be considered in determining the
awarding of the scholarship/Grant.
10. There will be two (2) Scholarship/Awards of $1000.00 each.

It's Time to Pay Dues

It’s January, and this means time to pay dues.

First due notices went out, and our worthy financial secretary is gearing up to send second notices.

It’s important to pay your dues for a number of reasons. First, dues are part of our budgeting process. If we don’t receive enough dues, the budget may suffer.

Second, we owe dues no matter if brothers pay them or not. For every man who doesn’t pay dues, our Council has to pay their portion that is due to Supreme. This further affects our budget.


We have three easy methods to pay:

  1. Mail in your payment to our Financial Secretary.
  2. Pay at a meeting. Cash, Check, Credit are accepted.
  3. Pay online. The link can be reached from (Our uKnight site).

You can also go directly to: to pay.


If you haven’t already, please pay your dues