News & Announcements

Pay Your Dues Online

Mary's Millennium Council operates on a fiscal year from July 1st through June 30th. Membership dues are $30 annually and are due by July 1st. We've added the ability to pay dues online. A $2 fee will be added at checkout to cover the cost of credit card processing. A portion of the dues goes to the Supreme Council and Illinois State Council to support their charitable programs. The balance remains in our council to fund our programs.

An Invitation to All Brother Knights

Our new fiscal year began on July 1st and runs through June 30th next year.   As usual, we have several programs planned for the upcoming fiscal year.   While we have a core number of Knights that volunteer for our programs, we can always use additional help and more importantly your new ideas.


Did you know that our successful Knights Challenge 5k race, which we held for 9 years, was an idea of one of our members who liked to race.   Do you have a passion that could be turned into a program?


Perhaps you’ve been unable to attend our monthly meetings, which occur on the third Wednesday each month in the Parish Center.  Or you’ve been looking for ways to contribute, but just don’t know how to do so.   Did you know that there are many programs that you could volunteer for that occur before or after masses on Saturdays and Sundays.  You could help for as little as one hour at one of those events.


Visit Us at the Parish Picnic


Once again, the Knights and Ladies will be helping to serve food and beverages at the church picnic this coming Saturday, August 24th.   Even if you won’t be able to help us this fiscal year, we’d still like to talk with you and see how you are doing.   Perhaps you need some assistance that the Knights can provide.


Are you getting our emails?   If not, then be sure to update us at the church picnic or send us an email to  if you aren’t able to attend.   Visit our website to keep informed throughout the year.    Finally, if you haven’t paid your annul dues, you can do so online or mail to the parish office.


We hope to see many familiar faces at the church picnic.  Bring the family for a fun social day.

Streamwood Summer Celebration Bingo Tent

Thank you to everyone that volunteered at the Bingo tent at Streamwood Summer Celebration.   Special thanks goes to Chuck Graziano, Tom Witt, Mark & Kathy Arient, Emilio Ascue Jr, and David Arias for the long hours they devoted to the event.

Thank you to Streamwood Summer Celebration committee for once again allowing us to host this event.   This is a major fundraiser for our council and we wouldn't be able to accomplish many of our charitable goals without funds raised at the start of our fiscal year each July.

Finally, thank you to all the parishioners and others that supported the bingo games.   


Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney Memorial Feast Day August 13

Father Michael J. McGivney, a humble parish priest and founder of the Knights of Columbus, was beatified on Oct. 31, 2020, in his home Archdiocese of Hartford, Conn. In the apostolic letter read at the Mass, Pope Francis noted that the “zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel and generous concern for the needs of his brothers and sisters made him an outstanding witness of Christian solidarity and fraternal assistance.” Entering into eternal life two days past his 38th birthday, in the midst of a flu pandemic, he is the third-youngest American saint or blessed. A priest for 13 years, he was only the third born in the United States to be beatified and could become the first US-born male to be canonized as a saint. Today, Father McGivney stands as a model for both priests and laypeople, having lived a life of heroic virtue devoted to the people of God, and as the founder of a lay organization that has grown to more than 2 million members worldwide.


His Legacy of Love: The Knights of Columbus

In response to threats to the faith, and to protect families both spiritually and materially, Father McGivney — then only 29 years of age — founded the Knights of Columbus as a Catholic fraternal society and to offer a financial safety net. He taught that Knights should be known for their faithfulness to Christ, fidelity to our Holy Mother Church, personal integrity, courageous service and opposition to injustice.

Father McGivney’s life experiences led him to establish Unity and Charity as the first two core principles of the Knights of Columbus. Fraternity soon was added as a third principle, while Patriotism was added after his death.   Learn more about his life and legacy on

Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney

Founder of the Knights of Columbus 

God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Prayer cards can be found in the Narthex while supplies last.

Soccer Tournament at Parish Picnic


Boys & Girls ages 9-14 test your soccer skills at the St. John the Evangelist Parish Picnic August 24th.   The Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local, district, and state competitions. International champions are announced by the K of C international headquarters in New Haven, CT, based on scores from the state-level competitions. All boys and girls 9 to 14-years-old are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation in the event.


Participants are required to provide proof of age and written parental consent. Entry forms will be available at the Parish Picnic and online at our Knights website.  There is no cost to enter the contest.


Did you Know… The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic family fraternal service organization with 2 million members in over 15,000 local councils. Last year, Knights donated 77 million volunteer hours and $187 million to charitable and benevolent causes, sponsoring projects to benefit their Church, communities, councils, Culture of Life, families, and youth.


Exemplification of Charity Unity and Fraternity

Congratulations New 3rd Degree Knights


We are pleased to announce that another gentleman became members of Mary’s Millennium Council #12801 on Thursday June 13th.  He didn’t take this invitation lightly, prayerfully considering the invitation before joining our ranks.  Please join us in congratulating Andrew Heinz. He was joined by his family and Knights from the council as he was exemplified as a third-degree Knight.  As part of the ceremony, they received a rosary, blessed by the Supreme Chaplain and the emblem of the order.


Our Core Principles


The four principles of the Order are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism, which haven’t changed since Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882.  In the exemplification ceremony the prospective members learned about the first three principles and promised to conduct themselves as Catholic gentlemen, living their lives guided by the principles of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity.


Charity: The first and foremost principle of our Order is Charity, the greatest of all virtues and the crowning glory of a Christian life.  Charity is that priceless gift placed by God in the human soul to measure man’s allegiance to his Creator. Charity is a duty, not a courtesy. It is an obligation imposed by Heaven upon rich and poor alike.


Unity: To be a Knight of Columbus means that you possess unity in purpose and unity in action, which come from our shared Catholic faith and the grace of the Holy Spirit.  It is appropriate that Unity follows our first principle of Charity, as charity binds together everything in perfect harmony.


Fraternity:  A Knight of Columbus is a man of integrity. He takes responsibility for his actions. He is also a man for others.  He guards and protects those under his care. He stands united with his brothers and with them he puts his faith into action.


Thank you, Fr. Gregg, and our SJE Parish Staff for allowing us to host our KofC Exemplification Ceremony in our beautiful church. Thank you, Deacon Jim Furey, for being our Chaplain and for giving us all a spiritual blessing.  Special Thanks to our District Deputy Dick Lambke for all your help and encouragement.  Most especially, Huge Thanks to all our brothers who assisted and were part and witnesses of our exemplification ceremony. God bless you all. Vivat Jesus!


Exemplification 6/13/24 Photo Album on Google (click)

Exemplification of Charity Unity & Fratenity Ceremony (PDF)