To All Brothers,
The annual election for Council officers will take at our next Council meeting on June 13. Here is a slate of officer nominations developed by your Nominations Committee. Please let Tim Cooch or Bob Moore know if there is anyone else you would like to nominate. Additional nominations will be accepted at the Council meeting. The term of office lasts from July 1, 2023 until June 30, 2024.
The Nominating Committee is offering a slate of nominees for our Council. They are:
Grand Knight: Bob Moore |
Deputy Grand Knight: Tim Cooch |
Treasurer: Joe Pulito |
Recorder: Eric Jaekle |
Chancellor: Pat Wieber |
Warden: Chuck Douville |
Advocate: Tom English |
Inside Guard: Sal DiPaola |
Outside Guard: John Rickman |
3 yr trustee: Mark Holcomb |
2 yr trustee: Bob Weisend |
1 yr trustee: Don Morris |
Remember this your Council and we appreciate everyone who takes the time to participate in the process. Thank you and May God Bless you.
Your brother in Christ,
Bob Moore Grand Knight Council #12656 St. Pius X