News & Announcements

GK Notes January 10, 2025

Happy New Year!

We start this new year of 2025 praying for the health of our Pastor & Chaplain Father Terry, and several of our members who are facing surgeries and challenges with their health this month. We pray for their doctor’s knowledge and skill, and for full recoveries!  I encourage you to visit the prayer request section of this web site, and pray for all those facing health and other challenges as we enter 2025.

We begin this new calendar year, we do so with a new Freezer in the gym kitchen at Holy Family. Our previous freezer decided to stop working in mid-December, taking with it a small inventory of frozen food for our Café.  The Freezer required an expensive repair that was beyond its value. The new Freezer should be delivered this week or next.  I’d like to thank Frank Biank for generously making a donation to replace some of the lost food items, spoiled in the old freezer!

As they say, the only things certain in life are death and taxes, we as Knights we can add “Dues” to that saying. Our 2025 dues are now payable and you should be receiving communication from Financial Secretary Dan Tokarz very soon. Your Dues are an important revenue source for our council and our organization. Dues provide the foundation costs, for all the good work and support we provide. You can pay your dues on our pay site, and you can find a link to that site on the front page of our web site (or CLICK HERE

Please note, the date for our January Business Meeting has changed to Tuesday January 21st at 6:30 pm. This is because the second evening of the parish mission “Be More – Remain in Me” is on Wednesday January 22nd ( our normal meeting date).This series is every Wednesday for 5 weeks starting on January 15th.  For more information on the parish mission CLICK HERE.  Hopefully we will see you there!

I am thankful always for your service to our parish and organization!


Rick ☘️

The Cafe returns on January 26th!

Click anywhere on the image below to sign up! 

Thank you note from Scott McCoppin

Scott's Thank you card

Our wonderful weekend maintenance man, Scott McCoppin left Holy Family before Christmas to  fulfil his education and goal of being a High School Teacher. Scott has a new job in Michigan.  The Knights appreciated Scotts help and dedication on weekends that we had events.  Rick McMahon presented Scott with a gift card as a token of our appreciation for all he did to help us.  

Attached above is a thank you note received from Scott. 

Archdiocese Chapter Newsletter

Click to open latest newsletter

Click Link Above ↑


Please click on the most recent edition  (January/ February 2025) for the latest Archdiocesan news.  Note our Breakfast and next Blood Drive are advertised. 

2024 Christmas Party Photos are now in the Photo Gallery

Thanks to Rich Surma and Jim Posch, we have 2024 Christmas Party Photos. Click the Photo below to see the Gallery. 

2024 Vocations Lunch (12/27)

It was wonderful catching up with brother Knights and Seminarians, Tyler Harris and Jack Rosenwinkel at our Vocations Lunch at Moretti's.  Their experiences and perspectives gave us hope for the future of our faith. We presented both of them with monetary support from our vocations drive funds.  We are also giving monetary support to three other seminarians from Mundelein.  Attending the lunch (photo) from the left, Faith Director and Vocations drive Chairman Glenn Yamamoto, Jack Rosenwinkel, Tyler Harris, Financial Secretary Dan Tokarz, and  Grand Knight Rick McMahon. 

Thank you note from Military Outreach

Military Outreach Thank you Note

Back in November of 2024 we donated $500 to Military Outreach from our Café proceeds.  Attached above is the note from Military Outreach showing appreciation for our gift.  

Knight of the Month and Family of the Month Honorees!

At our Christmas Party we honored Bob Vanselow as our November Knight of the Month, and Mike Colby as our December Knight of the Month!  Margaret Espinosa is our Family of the Month for November, and Mike and Marie Colby is our Family of the Month for December.  For details on their awards please see the "Recognition" link on the left side of this page or click the highlighted link below! 

Council Recognition Page









Eucharistic Adoration 
February 6th & 7th
First Friday of every Month
From PGK Glenn Yamamoto: 
Let me ask you a question: How would your life change if you spent an hour each day before the Blessed Sacrament? I realize for most people this is not possible, but consider it for a moment anyway. How would your life change?  Now consider this, "What is possible"? One hour each month, for most people that would be doable.  Spending time in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist transformed me and my life in ways I could not even begin to imagine.  I believe that by spending time in the presence of Jesus, in the Eucharist, we  become more like Him.  Mother Teresa was quoted as saying, "If I can give you any advice, I beg you to get closer to the Eucharist and to Jesus.  We must  pray to Jesus to give us the tenderness of the Eucharist."
At Holy Family we Knights sign up for monthly 1 hour time segments for First Friday Adoration.  We serve from from 7pm on the Thursday to 6pm on Friday.  I encourage you to consider our one-hour adoration opportunities. 
Please contact brother Glenn Yamamoto at or call him at 847-609-2983

Blood Drive on February 9th

Click anywhere on the image below to register!  

Chicago Food Depository Produce Distribution

Chicago Food Depository Produce Distribution
The next  Chicago Food Depository produce distribution will take place at :
Holy Family
2515 Palatine Rd.
Inverness, Illinois 60067

Date:  Thursday, February 13, 2025

Time:  8:30 am to 11:30 am

This is a great opportunity to work with many of our Holy Family council friends, but also to work with volunteers  from other councils.  All of us working together to provide fresh produce to those in need in our surrounding area. If you have questions contact Rick McMahon  847-450-8010 / or Dan Tokarz

The following number has been set up to provide information on the next produce mobile. If there are ever any last-minute changes, it will be on the recorded message : 224-764-0179.

The latest Produce Mobile schedule is attached below: 

St Joseph- Libertyville Won the 2024 Kringle Classic

As written by Kringle Classic Director, Brother Larry Szmurlo:

The weekend of, December 14th & 15th, we had four school teams compete for the 2024 Kringle Classic.The four schools include Immanuel Lutheran of Palatine, Willows Academy of Des Plaines,
St Thomas the Apostle of Crystal Lake and St /Joseph of Libertyville.
We had some wonderfully played games among these schools and St Joseph School won the tournament over Willows Academy. Immanuel had a well fought win over St Thomas for 3rd Place standing.
As usual, parents appreciated their kids playing through this tournament and were also very appreciative of the Knights of Columbus providing a great atmosphere and help to their teams.
Thanks to Brothers Ron Wojewoda and Tom Kabaec for handling the two days of scorer duties.
Certainly appreciate all of  the Brother Knights that helped out at the concessions table on Saturday and Sunday.
This is a great event for the Council to provide a memorable outlet to those guests attending.
During this past competition, many of the parents were very pleased with the overall tournament.

December 2024 Blood Drive

Our thanks to our Life Director Dan and Katie Ostermeyer who ran our 4 Blood Drives in 2024. Because of our December 2024 Blood Drive, 32 units of blood were collected, and by Vitalant's standards we saved 96 lives!  Our next Blood Drive is February 9th 2025!  Below Katie Ostermeyer doing double duty as donor and Blood Drop! 

2024 HFCA Teacher Christmas Breakfast

Thank you from Assistant Principal Laura Clark

Some dedicated Knights, served our Holy Family Academy Teachers Breakfast on December 16th, the morning after our annual Christmas party.  It was our privilege to help honor our Schools Teachers in the Christmas Season.   Thank you to Greg Flanagan, Kent Deener, Lou Rundio, Frank Biank, Mike Gilbert, and John Posch ( Not pictured ).  Thank you note is attached at the top of this article. 

Click on the photo below to see the photo gallery of this event.  

Keep Christ in Christmas 2024

2024 Keep Christ in Christmas as an enormous success due to the work of Holy Family Catholic Academy Art Teacher Jamie Schnell, and program director Mike Colby. Approximately 330 students participated, making the drawings in Jamie's art class.  The drawings were judged in 5 categories, Kindergarten, First and Second, Third and Fourth,  Fifth and Sixth, and Seventh and Eighth.  In each category the first place winners received a $25 gift card, Second received a $15 gift card, Third place was a $10 gift card.  All of the winners as well as three consolation prize winners received a free breakfast at the "Café" for their Family. 

The poster below created by Rich Surma, contains the winning pictures. To see the photo gallery for the winning students, click anywhere on the image below. 

Holy Family Christmas Tree Lighting 12/08/24

Thanks to our wonderful volunteers ( from left) Dan Ostermeyer, Mike Stacy, Bob Vanselow, Rick McMahon, and Dan Tokarz.  See photo gallery for more images. 

Christmas Greetings from TLC Pregnancy Center

Intellectual Disabilities Drive Donation to Little City

Our Council is proud of our partnership this year with Little City.  Little City does so much to build confidence and independence among those with neurologic challenges, and they are located right here in our Parish.  Between our hours outside of Jewel,  at the intersections, in the church narthex, our online contributions, and our  $500 Café donation, we were able to  donate $8276.07 to Little City. The check was proudly presented to Little City's Theresa Fifarek by Father Terry at our November 17th Café. 

Thank you to all our volunteers for your long hours and sore feet, You made a difference! 


Below is the Photo of the donation presentation by Father Terry to Theresa Fifarek of Little City, and GK Rick McMahon.  Also below is a thank you note from Little City CEO Rich Bobby. 

Recognizing Fr. Terry on Priest Appreciation Sunday November 17th





Holy Family 40th Anniversary

On Saturday November 23rd, our Parish celebrated 40 years since the parish formation!  The Knights served in the opening procession. These photos and more are in the website photo gallery.  




Council Receives Founders and Columbian Awards for FY 23-24

The Council achieved the requirements for both the Columbian and Founders awards for FY 23-24.  PGK Greg Flanagan accepted the awards from District Deputy Dick Lambke at our October Business meeting. 


Thank You Note from our recent Coat Donation

In early October the Knights ordered coats to be distributed between the Welcome a Stranger ministry and the Chicago Voyagers, Chancellor Bernie Rupe is involved with both organizations and recommended that instead of donating money to a coat fund, we actually buy them for these worthy organizations. It is incredible to see how quickly these coats made a difference in the lives of the Gawiya family!  Pictured are Amos, Rahila, Sylvester, Andrew, Rifkatu, Yakubu, Patience and Adamu.  

Your efforts will keep a family warm, who are not accustomed to winter weather.  What a blessing to have the opportunity to help! 

How to help us Recruit more Members - Quick and Easy!

How many times have we been asked about joining the Knights.  Were you ready?

Our Website has a button ( on the front page)  that takes you to a page with easy instructions and a link to online sign up.  It costs the person nothing to sign up, all we need is YOU to be ready! 

Please put a 11981 Website Icon on your phone so you are ready to help recruit! See Rick or anyone in the leadership team for instructions on how to do this!