News & Announcements

20th Annual Knights of Columbus Wine Dinner

The 20th annual Knights of Columbus 10861 wine dinner is being held at the Christus Center on Saturday, Jan 27th, 2024, at 6:30 pm (VIP entrance will open at 6 pm for Platinum, Gold, and Silver)!

Visit to purchase tickets, sponsorships, and donations. 

It will be an evening of wine, food, and fellowship. This year’s theme is “Old World / New World”.  Enjoy a curated flight of red and white wines served throughout the evening with a perfectly paired dinner. 

This is the single largest fundraiser for our council each year.  Past proceeds have supported local seminarians, college scholarships, Special Olympics, Hope Center, KOC Global Wheelchair Mission TX, Kolbe Prison Ministry, Magnificent House, St. Ignatius Ministries (Outreach, ASAP/Gabriel Project, Dignity of Life), Ignacius Gabriel Project as well as recovery aid needed in greater-Spring community after the wide-spread devastation caused by hurricanes.

If you are unable to attend, we have a wide range of sponsorships available that will be featured throughout the evening and display your name or business name.

  • Platinum: $3,500
    • Two tables premium seating
    • Two Sommelier 
    • Special table decorations
    • Advertising (Print and On-Sight Advertising)
    • Eight bottles of event wine per table
    • Three pre-event wine tickets
    • VIP early entrance 6:00 pm
  • Gold: $1,750
    • One table preferred seating
    • One Sommelier
    • Special table decorations
    • Advertising (Print and On-Sight Advertising)
    • Six bottles of event wine
    • Two pre-event wine tickets
    • VIP early entrance 6:00 pm
  • Silver: $930
    • One Table preferred seating
    • Four bottles of event wine
    • Two pre-event drink tickets
    • Advertising (Print and On-Sight Advertising)
    • VIP early entrance 6:00 pm
  • Table: $520 ($40 Savings vs. Individual Ticket)
    • Table for eight
    • One pre-event drink ticket
  • Individual Ticket: $70
    • One ticket
    • One pre-event drink ticket
  • If you’re unable to attend or want to support the Knights mission, we also have a wide range of monetary sponsorships which feature your name or business and will be advertised via print, on-site throughout the dinner.
    • Glass: $500
    • Flight: $400
    • Floral: $300
    • Food: $250
    • Bar: $200

Visit for tickets, sponsorships, and donations. 

2023 Danny Barrera Memorial Scholarship.


Knights of Columbus Council 10861 invites high school seniors of our parish to apply for the 2023 Danny Barrera Memorial Scholarship. The application is attached here and will soon be available on the Knights’ website at, in the parish office or from a member of the Knights of Columbus.

The deadline is April 15.

Contact with any questions

New Council Emails

We have created some new emails to go with our new Council website. Email GK Robert Alcala or DGK Mark Haubert  with Council questions Email Membership Director DGK Mark Haubert and his team with new membership or First Degree questions Email prayer requests to be added to our website and emails Email Financial Secretary Norbert Grijalva with questions on membership status or dues Email webmaster to update contact info or with questions on the website



We will be able to pass these emails on to the next set of Officers and Directors each year. The emails will remain the same - and easy to remember - even if O&D members change each fraternal year.

How to Track Volunteer Hours

Council members can track their annual volunteer hours - which are recorded at the end of the year and sent to Supreme - through our new website.


Under the MEMBERS ONLY page, see Record Your Volunteer Hours and Visits. Click the button below and enter your hours in various categories.

You can also set a monthly goal.


The Financial Secretary, Grand Knight and Webmaster will be able to track these online records.

Into the Breach videos

The K of C’s newest 12- episode video calls men to spiritual battle. It’s a wake-up call for Knights and for all men around the world.


The video series is available to stream online for free. Click below to watch.


The Church is facing a “man crisis.” Men are made for greatness. “Authentic masculinity” means to live for excellence. Mike Phelan explains how he discovered the nature of true masculinity and how to live it. WATCH


Man was not meant to “go it alone,” but to be in communion with others. It is important to build close friendships with other men of faith. Master Sergeant Sompaul Vorapanich shares lessons on the importance of brotherhood. WATCH


Men must become leaders through developing their character. True leadership seeks greatness and brings out greatness in others. Robert Yates discusses his service in the Air Force and highlights the importance of being servant leaders. WATCH 


The presence and involvement of a loving father is critical in the development of a child. True fatherhood models itself on God the Father. Former MLB player Mike Sweeney shares how faith shapes his role as a father. WATCH 


There is a “battle for the very soul of the family.” Men’s service to their families requires sacrifice. Greg and Julie Alexander explain how discovering the true nature of marriage transformed their relationship and their family. WATCH


Human life is sacred. Men have a responsibility to protect society’s most vulnerable. Men’s participation in the pro-life movement is vital. John Morales shares his story of regret, healing and hope as a testimony to the importance of life. WATCH


Prayer must be a priority in the life of a man. Eucharistic adoration, reading scripture and saying the rosary are central to prayer. Robert Feeney tells his story of the power of prayer on the battlefield in Vietnam and life in general. WATCH


Suffering is a mystery which can bring us closer to God and help us grow in holiness. The answer to suffering is Jesus Christ. Frank Ramirez shares his story of responding to intense suffering by worshiping God. WATCH

Sacramental Life

Christ offers his grace through the sacraments. The Eucharist and Confession need to be central to every man’s life. Jared Zimmerer explores how his experience as a bodybuilder helps him understand aspects of the sacramental life. WATCH

Spiritual Warfare

The life of a believer is a spiritual battle. Men have multiple spiritual weapons in the fight against Satan, and the stakes are high. Don O’Mara recounts his experience with abuse and addiction and finding forgiveness and freedom in Christ. WATCH 


All Christians are called to be witnesses of their faith to others. To share the faith a man must know the faith. Ryan Young shares how his Eucharistic-centered camp for teenagers allows for an encounter with Christ. WATCH

The Cornerstone

Christ is the only sure foundation of a man’s life. We are to know, love and serve God, so we can be with him forever. Actor Clarence Gilyard Jr. shares his testimony of straying from God’s plan and how God led him to enter the Catholic Church. WATCH

The Ordeal of Chaplain Kapaun

Learn more about Fr. Emil Kapaun and his path to sainthood.


Fr. Kapaun (April 20, 1916-May 23, 1951) was a priest and Army captain who served as a chaplain during World War II and the Korean War. He was captured and died in a prisoner of war camp.

In 1993, Pope John Paull II declared him a Servant of God.

In 2013, Kapaun posthumously recieved the Medal of Honor for his actions in Korea.


A video about Kapaun is posted in our Video section or can be found here:

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity - Sept 17, 2022

You are invited to a 35 minute, LIVE Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity hosted by the Knights of Columbus - Council 10861. 

Saturday, Sept 17 at St. Ignatius

If you are not in the Knights, but want to join, or are a First or Second Degree member, we invite you to participate in this LIVE ceremony to receive advancement to the Third Degree of our Order.  Church attire is appropriate dress for this occasion.

All existing Third or Fourth Degree members are also welcome (and encouraged) to observe the new Exemplification ceremony.

Please contact Deputy Grand Knight, Mark Haubert at for information on the upcoming LIVE Exemplification, to be held in the Lady Chapel of St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church on Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021.  The Exemplification ceremony will begin at 4:00pm.  Immediately following the ceremony, all participants are encouraged to join us at the 5:15pm Mass, where we will be seated together in reserved pews.  


All activities will be held on the campus of St. Ignatius of Loyola, 7810 Cypresswood Dr., Spring, 77379.


Please invite your family to attend the ceremony with you.  It is OPEN to all friends and family. New candidates must register at least 7 days prior to the Exemplification ceremony.

Knights of Columbus License Plate

Get your Knights of Columbus License Plate and help support retired and infirmed priests! $22 of the $30 cost goes to charity. Click here to order 

2021 Council Dues - Pay online HERE

Form 1728A

Council dues for 2022 will be $40.

Your Knights of Columbus dues are payable, regardless if you've moved and/or attending another Catholic Church. Remember to keep your First Degree Pledge to "always keep your KofC dues current." Therefore, if you are behind on your dues, pay what you can and/or let SK Norbert Grijalva know of your circumstances (which will be kept private and confidential).

Our Council remains fully committed to supporting our parish, community, seminarians and charitable causes but needs your help. Your dues are an important part of our budget and ability to support these causes. Please pay your dues via mail or here on our website via Square by mid-January 2022.


Ways to pay:


1. By cash or check - Made out to KC Council 10861. Mail to our Financial Secretary, SK Norbert Grijalva or bring to January meeting.


2. By credit card through Square clicking the link below. (UPDATED 12/7/21)



1. Because Square charges the Council a transaction fee, we need to charge $41.50 if you pay your dues with a credit card.

2. You do not need a Square account to use this function.


Your Survey Form 1728A (Volunteer hours) is also due by Jan. 15, 2022

(a) If mailing, please complete and include the form with your check and return it to SK Norbert Grijalva. A copy of the form is also in PDF form on this page.

(b) To complete a digital form via the website, sign into the Members Only area and click on Record Your Volunteer Hours. Input information and submit.

NOTE: It is only necessary to submit your volunteer hours via one option. Please do not submit both paper and online.


If you have any further questions, please contact SK Norbert Grijalva at


Fr. Emil Kapaun

By now, many of you are aware of the priest, Fr. Emil Kapaun, a Catholic Chaplain who died in a Korean POW camp seven decades ago. He was a Medal of Honor recipient who may one day be declared a saint. Father was a priest from the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas and a friend of one of our parishioners and Brother Knight, Michael Dowe, who also was in that Korean POW camp. Mike knew Fr. Kapaun, and according to the Bishop of Wichita, was instrumental in relaying the story of Fr. Kapaun which could lead to his canonization.

The homily is well worth hearing.



Some activities and links for Pro-Life Activities our Brother Knights can participate in:


ACE Wings


40 days for Life


Gabriel Project


October is Respect Life Month


Knights of Columbus - Faith in Action programs: Life

Brother Knights Mike, Alex, Mike and Tom represented the Council at a Special Olympics-Team Texas Celebration at TopGolf. Several Special Olympic athletes, including Matt - who just competed in golf at the National Games in Florida - were on hand. Several local sponsors of Special Olympics, including our Council, were invited to visit the athletes and play a round at TopGolf.

Congrats to Council 10861's Family of the Year (2021-22) - the Bodota family.

KofC Disaster Fund

At this time I would like to point out some changes in our emergency response program that recently came about. Supreme prefers that councils that want to help, donate funds to the KofC Disaster Fund at the Supreme web site instead of purchasing and delivering supplies. There are several reasons for this. Most importantly this will assure that the most critically needed supplies are delivered when and where it is most effective. Think of the water problem in Lake Charles a couple of years ago with hurricane Laura. Bottled water continued to be sent in long after water was back on and requests to stop sending water were too late. Man hours and storage space were being used up with handling this heavy bulky supply item that was now low on the priority list.
Please view the Supreme Disaster Fund page at
With first hand knowledge of how fast the supply chain with the Knights emergency response program works, this is truly the best, most reliable method of relief. During Laura less than 24 hours passed from the time Texas State Charities cut a check to Louisiana State Knights and generators were in the back of a truck headed for ground zero. That day I personally talked to the Texas Knights Treasurer, the Louisiana Knights State Emergency Response Director, the regional ERC in Lake Charles and the GK that was delivering the generators! It was that fast.
As in the past, Brother Knights should not travel to a disaster area until approval or a request for help from the affected state has been issued. Unless you have family or friends that have directly requested your help it is advised to refrain from entering a disaster area for many reasons. Like adding to the burden of the local EMS, and not being able to find fuel, or not knowing what roads are impassable, etc.
The letter from Supreme on this subject is below for your review. This issue has been passed down through our State Deputy and Diocesan Deputies. Pls take note that this directive is not only for common sense, safety, and supply chain, but also there are legal implications that we don’t realize.
Now that the hurricane and tropical storm season is upon us, we expect that there will be an urgent need in various jurisdictions for disaster relief. The purpose of this memo is to remind you that the Order has a Disaster Recovery Program, which is operated by personnel in the Office of the Supreme Treasurer and the Fraternal Mission Department, with assistance from our volunteers in the field. Requests for disaster relief should be directed to
Depending on the magnitude of the disaster, the Supreme Treasurer will initiate a fundraising campaign through the Supreme Council website ( so that Knights of Columbus members in other jurisdictions and generous donors who are not members of the Knights of Columbus, can have a secure and reliable portal to contribute tax-deductible donations to support the Order’s relief efforts. The funds collected are deposited into the bank account of Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., which is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
State councils, local councils, and assemblies are not authorized to initiate disaster relief fundraising campaigns outside their respective jurisdictions. For example, a state deputy in a jurisdiction that has been hit by a natural disaster may not solicit contributions from other state deputies or from councils in other jurisdictions. If he wishes to initiate a fundraising campaign from KofC councils and members, he must do so by submitting a request to
There are significant advantages to this procedure. First, the Supreme Council is known by our members and other donors to be a reliable and trusted steward of funds, which will be distributed through our well-established organizational infrastructure.
Second, the Supreme Council has superior purchasing power for the kind of goods requested in disaster areas. Over the past 10 years, we have developed relationships with vendors that allow us to source food, water, supplies, and other items quickly and cost-effectively, and to ensure delivery in a timely and efficient manner.
Third, the Supreme Council’s charitable entity, Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., registers annually in every state that has a charitable solicitation statute, ensuring that our solicitations are lawful. Organizations, including state councils, that are not registered with their state may be penalized for failing to comply with their states’ charitable solicitation laws.
For the reasons set forth above, State Deputies may not solicit donations outside of their respective jurisdictions, but, rather, should encourage donations to Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., for disaster relief.
The Supreme Council is here to assist you as State Deputy and your Disaster Relief team. We will take care of the fundraising and purchasing, while you and your team dedicate your resources to helping people on the ground in the disaster areas. Working together, we can accomplish the Order’s charitable mission in a way that would make Blessed Michael McGivney proud.

Update your Profile and Picture on Council 10861’s website

Click here for instructions with pictures.

Our new website – supported by UKnight – has a password-protected Members Only page with our Council’s roster. You can go there to update your contact information and add a picture to your profile.

The following instructions show how to update that information.


1. From our Council’s homepage click on the MEMBERS ONLY button in the left column.

2. Log into the Members Only page by using your KOC membership number and your birthdate.

3. Click Access Council Members List. This opens our Council roster.

4. Find your entry in the Members list. Click the UPDATE button under your entry.

5. To add or change your photo:

     Click Choose File and select a photo from your computer. Click Open.

     Click UPLOAD YOUR NEW PHOTO                                             

6. To update or change contact information:

     Scroll down to the box that reads PLEASE CORRECT THIS INFORMATION.

     Fill in or update contact information.

     Click SUBMIT YOUR CORRECTIONS. These corrections will be updated on the website and will be sent to our Council’s      Financial Secretary to be fixed in his records for Supreme.

7. Click RETURN TO THE UPDATED MEMBERS LIST to return to the Council roster.

How to Volunteer for an Event

Click here for instructions with pictures.

Council Events listed in our EVENTS CALENDAR include volunteer signups if volunteers are needed. You can sign up to volunteer for the event by: 


1. Click EVENTS CALENDAR in left column.

2. Click on an event in calendar. This opens a description of the event with details, time and location. If an event has a volunteer signup, there will be a CLICK TO SIGNUP button

NOTE: You can also send an email to the event chairman if you have questions.

3. When you hit CLICK TO SIGNUP it opens a SIGN-UP ROSTER page.

4. Enter your KOC member number and the number of hours you wish to work. You can also add people (family members) joining you. Click SIGN UP when finished

NOTE: Members of the public (non-Council members) can also volunteer for these events by filling out the For Others in the Community boxes. 

5. A review of your information is shown. Click COMPLETE THIS SIGN-UP to register.

6. You will receive an email after signing up to confirm. You will also be on the event roster so the event chairman can send reminders or updates before the event.


When you return to the EVENTS CALENDAR page, there will be a button at the top that says CLICK HERE to see events for which you have already signed up.

Our Principles

All the good works we do are informed by our four core principles:


Charity - Our Catholic faith teaches us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by conducting food drives and donating the food to local soup kitchens and food pantries, by volunteering at Special Olympics, and by supporting, both spiritually and materially, mothers who choose life for their babies. Knights recognize that our mission, and our faith in God, compels us to action. There is no better way to experience love and compassion than by helping those in need, a call we answer every day.


Unity – None of us is as good as all of us. Members of the Knights of Columbus all know that – together – we can accomplish far more than any of us could individually. So we stick together…we support one another. That doesn’t mean that we always agree or that there is never a difference of opinion. It does mean that – as a Knight of Columbus – you can count on the support and encouragement of your brother Knights as you work to make life better in your parish and community.


Fraternity – The Venerable Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, in large part, to provide assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died – often prematurely. The Order’s top-rated insurance program continues to do this today, as do individual Knights, who last year gave more than 10 million hours of their time to assist sick and/or disabled members and their families. In the Knights of Columbus, we watch out for and take care of one another.


Patriotism – Members of the Knights of Columbus, be they Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Cubans, Filipinos, Poles, or Dominicans, are patriotic citizens. We are proud of our devotion to God and country, and believe in standing up for both. Whether it’s in public or private, the Knights remind the world that Catholics support their nations and are amongst the greatest citizens.



In 1882, Father Michael J. McGivney gathered a small group of parishioners in St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn. His purpose was to establish a group of men, united in their faith and to provide for Catholic families in times of need. This was the beginning of the Knights of Columbus.

Guided by the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity members of the Knights of Columbus work to overcome the hardships that people face in their parishes and communities. We are a growing organization - more than 1.9 million members - and for over 130 years have committed to overcome the challenges of the need for food, shelter, warm clothing and financial security, as well as provide aid for widows and orphans in our local communities.

Joining your local council of the Knights of Columbus can change your life. As a Knight, you have the opportunity to strengthen your parish, give back to your community, grow in your faith and gain exclusive access to our portfolio of top-rated insurance products to financially protect your family. Councils conduct many programs that support your parish and community including:

      • Various prayer and Eucharistic adoration programs
      • Participating in the Coats for Kids and Food for Families programs
      • Encouraging vocations to the priesthood and religious life

By joining your local council does not mean that you need to sacrifice quality time with your family. By volunteering an hour here or an hour there - with your family - can make an enormous difference in your life and in the lives of others.

If you’re interested in helping those in need in your parish and community, strengthening your parish and your familial relationships, growing in your faith, and gaining exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for you and your family, then consider joining the Knights of Columbus council associated with your parish.

Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.


Columbia Magazine - Free subscription to the Order’s award-winning magazine examining issues of concern to Knights, Catholics and families

Knights of Columbus rosary - Blessed by the supreme chaplain, presented during the Admission Degree to each new member

Daily Mass of Remembrance at St. Mary’s Church - Mass for deceased members and their wives at the birthplace of the Order

Insurance - Access to a portfolio of top-quality life insurance, long-term care and annuity products exclusive for members and their families

Family Fraternal Benefit - For eligible families: a) pays $1,500 for the child who dies before the age of 61 days; b) pays $750 for the child who is stillborn at least 20 weeks after conception; c) offers guaranteed-issue insurance - up to $5,000 - to any child under age 18

Orphan Benefit - $80 monthly allotment for orphans of eligible families; up to $7,000 in college scholarships available Member/Spouse Fraternal Benefit - Accidental death coverage for member and spouse at no cost

Widow Benefits - a) continues to be covered under the Member/Spouse Fraternal Benefit; b) may purchase life insurance, long-term care insurance or annuities up to one year after insured member’s death; c) receives a free lifetime subscription to Columbia; d) eligible with her children for scholarships, student loans, etc.

Scholarships - Scholarship programs for higher education available to members, their spouses and children

Leadership Development - Opportunity to build personal leadership skills, public speaking ability, organizational skills, etc.

Fourth Degree - Eligibility to join the Patriotic Degree

Honorary Life Membership - At age 70 with 25 years of membership

Membership Card - Entitles participation in all Catholic, fraternal and social activities in member’s council and also in over 15,000 councils throughout the world

Activities - participation in a variety of programs and activities conducted by your council