News & Announcements


Started in May 2019 by St. Luke Council 10240, the Traveling Chalice program was created to encourage families to pray for vocations and to promote vocations within their own family. During each weekend mass, a member of parish volunteers to take a chalice home for a week and commits to saying the daily prayers that accompany the chalice. If you are interested or you know someone interested in taking the Traveling Chalice home for a week, see one of the ushers before any mass. Click here to see some of the recipients.


Council 10240 hosted the 2024 volleyball and dodgeball competition between seminarians and priests of the San Antonio Archdiocese. After the priests won the volleyball competition, and the seminarians won the dodgeball competition, a free-throw competition was held between five priests and five seminarians. Final score: priests - 0, seminarians - 1. This year's trophy was taken home by the seminarians! SEE PICS.


Thanks to all the Knights who assisted with the 2024 construction, which ran from February through April. This year's construction was a joint effort between St. Luke and St. Francis Catholic churches. SEE PICS.


2024 Charity Golf Tournament

Council 10240 held their annual charity golf tournament on April 1, 2024, at The Dominion. Click here to see pictures of the event. Team pictures can be viewed here.

Welcome New Knights

Council 10240 welcomes five new Knights to our council. The men participated in the Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at Prince of Peace Catholic Church on Wednesday, March 13th.

Pictured left to right are: Enrique Donnell III, Joseph Gonzalez, Eric Johnson, Edgardo "Eggie" Troche, and Domenic Palisoc.

Stations of the Cross

Council 10240 led the first Stations of the Cross during Lent on February 16th. Click here to see pictures.

2024 Senior Pancake Breakfast / Safety & Fraud Seminar

On February 15, 2024, Knights from Council 10240 held a Pancake Breakfast and Safety Awareness and Fraud seminar for the St. Luke Senior Ministry. Approximately 80 attendees were treated to fresh pancakes, bacon and sausage, prepared by the Knights. Speakers included Sgt. David Meyer, Bexar County Constable Office, Precinct 2 and SK Dominic Griego, St. Luke staff and Texas Lawman Security on safety awareness, and Jose Cruz, manager of fraud investigations for a local bank on senior scams and fraud. SEE PICS.

Mass For People With Special Needs

A mass for people with special needs was celebrated on February 4, 2024. Click here to see the pictures.


Regular membership is $30, and Honorary membership is $10. 


Dues can be paid in person via cash or check at our general meeting or can be dropped off in the church office c/o Louis Marin, Financial Secretary. Checks should be made payable to KOC 10240.


To pay your dues via Zelle, create a contact on your computer or phone with the email account Then follow your bank's instructions to pay via Zelle. There is no additional fee if paying via Zelle.


If paying your dues online, there is a small fee added to the dues and collected by PayPal for using this service.

If you have a PayPal account, click here for instructions on how to scan a QR code to pay your dues using a smart phone. This will reduce the fee charged by PayPal.

If you DO NOT have a PayPal account, or if you prefer not paying with a QR code, you can also pay using the Pay Now button below. To pay using the Pay Now button below, select your membership type from the dropdown box and click on the Pay Now button to be directed to the PayPal site.

2023 Christmas Party

Council 10240 held our annual Christmas party on December 14th in lieu of the December general meeting. The event included tamales from La Grande #4, a photo booth by PictureIt Photo Booths and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Clause. Special guests from the Guadalupe Home were also present. A raffle took place, and all the kids present received of a gift of their choice. Thanks to everyone who helped make this a special event. SEE PICS. Click here to see the photo booth pictures.


For several Knights from Council 10240, Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 2023, got off to a great start! A group of our Knights and their family and friends took time out to help two of our deserving families that were selected from the St. Luke St. Vincent de Paul Society. With the wonderful assistance from Luby's on Huebner Rd. and Floyd Curl, two full feasts, including pie, were delivered to our parishioners. The delivery crew pictured below included (L-R, Michael Rios and Dolly Lara, Michael Poff (Boy Scout in Phillip Farmer's Troop), Phillip Farmer, Tony Paniagua, Rick Dominguez, Jose Marquez’ wife Cecy and their grandson, Christian, Jose Marquez, Larry Garcia and wife, Adriana. Also pictured is one of the fine staff members at Luby;s. A big thanks to everyone involved for helping make this a wonderful Thanksgiving for others.

Christmas Eve also saw two additional families provided with holiday feasts from Luby's. Advocate Ray Mendoza, his son, Robby, and his daughter-in-law, Pamela, delivered food to the families whose names were also provided by the St. Luke St. Vincent de Paul Society. Also pictured is Hunter from Luby's who packed the meals for delivery. Thanks once again to our outstanding partner, Luby's.

2023 Archbishop's Cup

On Friday, October 27th, St. Luke Catholic School hosted the 2023 Archbishop's Cup volleyball and basketball games, a friendly competition between the San Antonio Seminarians and the Houston Seminarians. In addition, the Salvation Army's Boys and Girls Club hosted the soccer games. The San Antonio Seminarians took the Archbishop’s Cup by winning the volleyball and soccer events while Houston won the basketball game. Contributing to the soccer victory was the coaching skills of our Worthy Chancellor David Beales! In addition to providing the soccer coach, Council 10240 contributed $200 worth of drinks and snacks for the volleyball game. READ MORE. SEE PICS.

Eucharistic Procession

Knights from Council 10240, as well as individuals from various ministries from St. Luke, participated in the Archbishop's Eucharistic Procession and Adoration on November 3rd, 2023. SEE PICS.


Approximately 50 men attended the 2023 Spiritual Reflection hosted by Knights of Columbus Council 10240 and held on Saturday, October 7 at the Mexican American Catholic College (MACC). The lineup of dynamic speakers included:

  • Sr. Constanza Fernandez, Daughter of the Holy Spirit, Missionaries of the Holy Spirit who gave the opening prayer.
  • Deacon Robert Garza, St. Luke Catholic Church, Topic: “I am the light of the world “
  • Fr. Paul Melgarejo, Parochial Vicar St. Matthews Catholic Church, Topic: “Christ be our Light”
  • Fr. Praveen Lakkisetti, Pastor Associate St. Pius Catholic Church, Topic: “This is my body which was given to you, do this in remembrance of Me.”

The day concluded with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the MACC Chapel. SEE PICS.

Healthcare Professionals Mass

Click here to see pictures from the Healthcare Professionals mass held at St. Luke on Wednesday, October 18th. 


With the help of Knights from St. Rose of Lima Council 11599, St. Luke Council 10240 hosted an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity on September 29th at St. Luke Catholic Church. New Knights to Council 10240 included Chris Duffin, Juan Garcia, Gabriel Jimenez, Martin Jimenez, Adam Luevano, Jose Marquez, Jordan Montez, Luis Morales, Fernando Ramirez, Mike Reimherr and Larry Garcia, who transferred to Council 10240 from El Paso. San Juan de Los Lagos also welcomed two new Knights at the ceremony. SEE PICS.


Promoting a Culture of Life, Council 10240 held a Silver Rose Prayer Service for St. Luke Catholic Church on Friday, September 1st at 6:30pm.

“Through the Silver Rose Program, we honor not only Our Lady of Guadalupe and express the unity of the Knights of Columbus, but we also reaffirm our dedication to the sanctity of human life. It is to the Blessed Mother that we turn in prayer as we work to end the Culture of Death that grips our society. As we think in terms of ‘One Life, One Rose,’ it is most appropriate that we turn to Our Lady of Guadalupe who made known her will through Juan Diego and the miracle of the roses.” – Past Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

Special thanks to SK Joe Torres and Felix Yruegas for organizing the service. SEE PICS.

New! 5-Star Faith In Action PIN

Council 10240 developed a new “5-Star” pin to recognize those Knights who have participated in five or more Faith In Action events during the fraternal year. Click here to see the names of the first 41 who received it for the 2022-2023 fraternal year.

New Council 10240 Officers for 2023-2024

Congratulations to the following Knights who were elected or appointed as officers for Council 10240 for the 2023-2024 fraternal year:

Felipe Jimenez

- Grand Knight

Rene Olivares

- Deputy Grand Knight

David Beales

- Chancellor

Michael Rios

- Recorder

Paul Schulz

- Treasurer

Louis Marin

- Financial Secretary

Ray Mendoza

- Advocate

Anthony Hansen

- Lecturer

David Cameron

- Warden

Eric Rojas

- Inside Guard

Chris Lee

- Outside Guard

Robert Martinez

- 1st Year Trustee

Dcn Robert Garza

- 2nd Year Trustee

Oscar Valdez

- 3rd Year Trustee



Council 10240 assisted the St. Luke Guadalupanos with praying the "state" rosary in honor of our first responders and all those who have served. After releasing the rosary outdoors, everyone returned to the school cafeteria for hotdogs and fellowship. Click here to see more pics.


On May 17, 2023, St. Luke Council 10240 hosted the San Antonio Archdiocese's annual Shepherd's Cup with a dodgeball competition that involved Bishop Gary Janak and 31 seminarians and priests. The event, originally named Kickball & Clerics, was moved to the school gym due to weather conditions and raised nearly $1,000 to be applied towards a new fitness center for seminarians at the Assumption Seminary. Click here to see the pics.


Click here to enlarge the poster. 

During the month of December, Council 10240 handed out two of our new wheelchairs purchased as part of the Global Wheelchair Mission. Thanks to BK Rafael Perez for leading this Faith in Action effort and for assembling and delivering the two wheelchairs.

Our first wheelchair recipient was a female parishioner of St. Luke. She requires an oxygen tank and tires easily just walking from room to room. Sadly, 40 years ago she was accidentally exposed to harmful pesticides that damaged her lungs. She and her husband were very happy to receive the new wheelchair.

Our second recipient was a male parishioner of St. Luke and a retired Vietnam Veteran whose wife saw our wheelchair and poster at the December taco sale. He was a translator during the war, and the couple met at St. Luke. He has back and leg issues and has not been able to get a wheelchair through Medicare or the VA. The couple was very grateful for the Knights of Columbus.


Click here for a short instruction sheet on how to enter your volunteer hours, homebound and hospital visits and blood donations on our website.


Join us on the 3rd Sunday of every month for fellowship as we prepare breakfast tacos. Volunteers should meet in the school cafeteria at 7 am to prepare the tacos, which are sold after the 8 am and 10 am masses. Bring your coffee and apron!

Men of St. Joseph

Click here for your invitation to join your brother Knights in St. Luke’s Men of St. Joseph ministry as we reflect on the readings for the upcoming Sunday.