Grand Knight Jack Moreno accompanies brothers on their Major Degree!
Left to Right: Daniel Albright, Edwin Amaya, Jack Moreno, Lloyd Smith, Pedro Verduzco, Stephen Francis, Stephen Macias, Eddie Macias
Officers 2019-2020. Not pictured Recorder Brother Louis Huerta
Edwin Amaya and Stephen Francis – Made their first degree on January 27, 2020 at Christ the Redeemer
Father Christopher thanks Grand Knight Jack Moreno for $2000 raised by Knights of Columbus Council 9041.
Brother Knights prepare briskets for Thanksgiving Fundraiser 2019
Brother Knights prepare turkeys for Thanksgiving Fundraiser 2019
Brother Knights serving up fine BBQ at the St Andrew Catholic Church Fall Bazaar 2019
2020 Scholarship Recipients.
Evelyn Rose Garcia
2020 Scholarship Recipients.
Alayna Marie Solis
2019 Scholarship Recipients.
Gilbert Perez and Jared Escamilla
with Brother Joe Salas and Grand Knight Jack Moreno
Council Announcements
Thanksgiving smoked Turkeys and briskets
November 20, 2021
We would be more than happy to cook your family’s “Thanksgiving Dinner” main course. A beautiful, rich & tasty beef Brisket ( or Turkey - 15-20lb raw weight) served hot from the COBB BBQ building on Saturday afternoon. Last day to order is Sunday November 14.
Contact Jack Moreno-281-615-8423, Robert Macias 832-477-6252 or Rick Davila 281-787-7672
Turkeys - $40.00
Briskets - $80.00
Pick-up Saturday
November 20, 2021: 5 – 6:00pm
MEMBERS ONLYAs an additional security measure access to MEMBERS ONLY
is now available through this button only.