Our Lady On The River Council #856

Upcoming Council Events

About Our Council

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Council Dinner Meeting Schedule

1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm

Council Members Meeting Schedule

1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm

Council Officers Meeting Schedule

4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm

Meetings Location

St. Catherine Activity Center
1106 St. Clair Blvd
Algonac, MI 48001 US

Council Officers

Family of the Month

Michael and Christine Page

The Pages' are very active in the parish, community and continually serve as models of good catholic values. Mike is our second year GK, Captain and CCC in Assembly 0480. Christine is always there on most all programs and usually cooks our council meeting...

Knight of the Month

Gregory Dombecki

Gregory is selected twice this year for good reason. He's always there when anyone needs help. In May he also helped replace a roof on a barn at no cost to the widow. He is the new Chancellor for the 2024_5 Fraternal year. Thank you Lord for sending Gr...

Family of the Year

Roland and Sue Woelkers

Many Families distinguished themselves serving the council and parish this year. One of these families has stood above, and we are pleased to recognize our 2023_2024 Family of the Year to Roland and Sue Woelkers family. Sue accepted the award at the di...

Knight of the Year

Tom Schweihofer

Many Knights distinguished themselves serving the council and parish this year. One of these Knights has stood above, and and we are pleased to recognize our 2023_2024 Knight of the Year, Tom Schweihofer. Tom's dad Dave passed away a few days before the...