HELP NEEDED: Tootsie Roll Drive is October 11-12-12, 2024
Sign Up Sheets Are Posted In The Club Room
Queen of Hearts Pot for the August Meeting is $515.50
St. Charles Council 823 started a queen of hearts drawing at the monthly meeting; the drawing is for members only and the member must be present at the council meeting to win.
50 For 25 No Hunger Holiday Project
In co-operation with our fellow councils of Harvester, Cottleville, and Sts. Joachim & Ann Food Pantry.
We have committed 50 St. Charles Council 823 members to donate $25.00 each to this project.
Please drop off your check or mail it to the council and mark it "No Hunger Holiday Project."
This project will serve over 4,000 families and 12,000 meals during the holiday season.
Also, volunteers will be needed to help package all these meals the week of Thanksgiving.
Details for volunteering will come out in early November. This is a great family project for your kids and grandkids.
If you have any questions, please call Dan Kelch at 636-288-5811
What is COR? Click The Link Below to Learn More.
The world needs courageous men to witness to Jesus Christ. COR exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity.