St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council #7850

Plano Cleanup December 2024. (L-R) Ed Stankunas, Terrell Landry, Ron Harabis, Craig Robinson, Jim Goode

Special Olympics Bowling November 2024. Council 7850: Seated front - Dennis O'Donoghue, David Rosengrants, Back row 2nd from right - Craig Robinson

Minnie's Food Pantry 8/22 (L-R) Back: Richard Flemming, Dennis Healy, Terrell Landry, Mark Morrow, Craig Robinson, Pat McCormick, Mike Ray, Sean Howard, Elise Howard. Front: Dave Kistner, Jimmy Dominguez, Dennis DeMetsenaere, John Kistner.

July '22 - The Squires took on the Knights in a Breakout Room challenge and the Squires won. The Knights then treated all to a pizza dinner.

July '22 - GK Bob Wilson presents David Rosengrants with a $4,000 check (from golf tournament) and a $1,100 check (from tamales sale) to benefit the SVdP Seton Conference. Council Chaplain Fr Bradley and DGK Michael Flanagan observe.

July '22 - GK Bob Wilson and DGK Michael Flanagan present Fr Bradley with a $7,000 check for the building fund (profits from the golf tournament). Trustee Charlie Lugo and Ed Stankunas (seated) observe.

July '22 - Family Picnic. Surrounded by beautiful grounds and patio, most of the 50 attendees chose the AC dining room since the outside temp was around 104 F degrees.

July '22 - Family Picnic Grill Master DGK Michael Flanagan (white shirt) and assistant Dave Kistner.

Plano Cleanup June '22 (L-R) Back: Alex Mauricio, Joe Petrie, Ron Harabis, Dennis Healy, Richard Flemming, Bill Graham, James Forsythe. Front: David Anton, Craig Robinson, Tom Juneau.

June '22 Silver Rose ceremony. Our Lady of Guadalupe portrait, the Silver Rose in all its glory, Fr Bradley leading the ceremony.

Knight Out with the RoughRiders. 65 Brothers and family members attend a game on 7-17-2021

Tootsie Roll Drive 12-12-2020 (this could be John Stroh and Dave Kistner)

Knights attending the council's 1st Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity on 5-18-20. About 40 people were in attendance. Fr Bradley led vespers before the ceremony.

Rich Amato (R) receives Shining Armor Award from GK Steve Gumm 2-20-2020

PGK Jim Goode and GK Dave Duff accept 2017-18 Council Service Program Award from DD Ed Stankunas 12-10-18.

Widows (L-R) Sue Burris, Ann Hawkins, Gabriella Friddle, and Nancy Sisler attended the 11-17-18 Memorial Mass

Steak Night 5-19-18

2018 State Convention Banquet - DD Ed and Lillian Stankunas, GK Jim and Carol Goode, DGK Bob and Mary Ann Wilson 4-28-18

Fish Fry Serving Line 2-23-18 and 3-23-18

Life Chain is one of several Pro-Life events held each year. The Planned Parenthood office is in the background.

The Knights sell water and soft drinks at the Plano Balloon Festival

Customers at the 2016 Parish BBQ Dinner. Yep, we've been asked to do this again, too.

Ready for the shotgun start at the 2016 Charity Golf Tournament held at Coyote Ridge GC.

Knights cook and wrap hot dogs for the Seton youth Mission Possible community event.

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Council Regular Membership Meeting Schedule

2nd Monday of the month at 7:30 PM, FFC 130-A/B

Council Officers Business Meeting Schedule

1st Monday of the month at 7:30 PM, FFC 130-B

Meetings Location

3100 W Spring Creek Pkwy
Plano, TX 75023 US

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