We are proud to announce that so far this year 1 members of our Council
have performed
15 hours of Volunteer Service in our parish and our community.
Do we have your information correct?
This website was updated Saturday, August 24, 2024 with the most recent information on file at Supreme.
To check your information, click on the Member Only tab in the left hand menu. You can view and update your record (with your member number and birth date). Please check and update your address, email and phone number if it is not correct. Contact the webmaster if you have any questions.
Pay Your Council Dues Electronically
To pay your dues by credit card click on the following link:
Click here for Dues Payment Information
Please click the image BElow to buy tickets
(JANUARY Council Business Meeting Minutes
are available for review in Members Only)
Select Members Only in the left column above and log in as directed. Scroll to the bottom of selections and click on Council Budget.
Did you know the Knights of Columbus has the Superior Rated Insurance program? Please contact our field agent to discuss what Insurance and Annuity Programs are available to you!
Knights of Columbus Field Agent: John Holtzhauser
phone: (440) 567-0824
email: John.Holtzhauser@KofC.org
Thank you for your interest in the Knights of Columbus. We are honored you took the time to visit us and we hope you will consider joining our council. Please feel free to look around and if you have further questions or are interested in joining contact one of the following officers.
Please contact:
Tim Ashcraft - gknight6724@gmail.com - Grand Knight or
Click Here to Contact Bob Hopkins - Membership Director
Looking for a Leadership Position in the Mother Seton Council?
Contact GK Tim Ashcraft to express your interest
There are Director and Co-Director positions available.
Participate in the Council! Become a Leader!!
Thank you for all your support
Go to the Prayer Request Tab and enter the appropriate info! You can also view the prayer requests on the same tab!
See Events Calendar or News and Announcements for details of all events!!