Meetings will now be held on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 8 PM.
Our annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, March 8 from 6 - 10 PM. Cost is still $40.
Corned beef & cabbage dinner, coffee & desserts, draft beer, wine & soda.
Call/text Mike @ 201-213-3910 or Kevin @ 210-585-0510 for tickets by March 4. The band, bagpipers, and step dancers will be back from last year. You may also purchase tickets on any of our line dance nights.
Country Line Dancing is held on Mondays from 7:00 - 10:00 PM. Check calendar for schedule. A beginner lesson starts at 7:00 PM.
We also have beginner lessons on Thursday nights from 7 - 9 PM. Admission is $10. Check calendar for dates.
Visit Mike & Deb Line Dancing for more info.
We are collecting food for the Pequannock Food Pantry. Please drop off donations on the table iside the front door on Monday nights, meeting nights or other event nights.
We are looking for Catholic men, 18 and up to join the Knights of Columbus. You can donate as little or as much time as you want but we need your help to run programs and fundraisers to benefit the many charities we support. Click on the "Why Join" tab or visit K of C Join Us page and enter 5943 as the Preferred Local Council.