St. Joseph's Knights of Columbus Council #14795

District Deputy Robert Heise presents the Columbia Award to PGK Denny Monaco & Rich Gabor.

PGK Mike Bauer presents a $2,000.00 check to Lynne Monaco & the St Joseph St Vincent DePaul Society!

PGKs Denny Monaco & Tim Higgs present a check to Hugo Saltijeral & friends at Valley Sheltered Workshop from Tootsie Roll funds.

Knights Mark Rudolph, David Schmidt & Denny Monaco present a Tootsie Roll funds check to A.I.D. in Aurora.

40 Days for Life

Honor Guard for Bishop Malloy at Fr. Godwin Installation Mass

Fr. Matthew & Fr Godwin at Oktoberfest.

St Joseph Knights road cleanup crew.

Mark Rudolph & John Kunkel with the road clean up crew

Burger Knight event crew.

Burger Knight

Burger Knight

Knights Color Guard for Special Olympics at Marmion Academy.

New 4th Degree Sir Knight Fr. Matthew is with PFN Tim Higgs at Exemplification in Rockford on October 14, 2023

Our Lady on the front of the 4th Degree Santa Maria float, St Patrick's parade in St Charles 2024.

Color Guard with Santa Maria in St Charles for the St. Patrick's parade, March 2024.

St Joseph Knights Golf Outing to benefit Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry

Shotgun start

Check for $3,500.00 presented to Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry from Golf Outing.

Live Stations of the Cross in Aurora on Good Friday.

Fr. Godwin with Knight & Oktoberfest Chairman Jesse Renteria.

Brother Knights Fr. Godwin & Matthew Higgs at Oktoberfest.

PGK Denny Monaco visits Seminarian Ryan Nooraee & presents him with a check for $500.00!

PGK Denny Monaco visits Seminarian Grant Colborn & presents him with a check for $500.00!

Seminarians Ryan Nooraee class of 2025 & Grant Colborn class of 2024.

St.Joseph Knights are supporting Seminarian Zachary Moore!

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Council Announcements






St. Joseph Council supports the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry in many ways.  For the second year we were able to raise significant funds through our Golf Outing, and a check was presented by Grand Knight Denny Monaco. A number of Knights also devote time to helping distribute food to the needy on a monthly basis. 


Seminarians 2023                

                 Seminarians Grant Colburn and Ryan Nooraee       

St. Joseph Council is honored to offer Financial and Spiritual support to two of our Diocese Seminarians.  Each year our Council supports two Diocesan Seminarians in this way.

  • Grant Colburn attends the Seminary at University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, and has an expected Ordination year of 2024. Grant's home parish is the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rockford.           

Meeting Minutes are now available here

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Upcoming Council Events

No events hosted by this council are scheduled within the next 60 days.

About Our Council

Council Business Meeting Schedule

3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 P.M.

Council Officers Meeting Schedule

3rd Thursday of the month at 6:45P.M.

Council Program Meeting Schedule

3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30P.M.

Meetings Location

722 High St.
Aurora, IL 60505 US

Council Officers

MEMBERS ONLYAs an additional security measure access to MEMBERS ONLY  
is now available through this button only.  
