Passing of Sir Knight Tim Halderson PGK
Saint Edith Stein Council 13049 is saddened by the news of the passing of Past Grand Knight and Charter Member of our Council, Sir Knight Robert Timothy (Tim) Halderson on November 22, 2024, at the age of 77.
Tim was a member of the Knights of Columbus for 23 years. He was the Council’s Grand Knight for the following years: 2003-2004, 2007-2009 and 2021-2022.
He also served as Deputy Grand Knight, Trustee, Retention Chairman and in many other positions.
Tim was also a Clinic Volunteer Leader for Canadian Blood Services.
Click Here for a tribute to Tim's volunteer dedication to Canadian Blood Services.
To view the full obituary, Click Here.
KofC 2025 Ontario Charity Foundation 50/50 Fundraiser!
The 2025 raffle for the Knights of Columbus 50/50 draw is here. Tickets will be sold from now until April 27th when the grand draw will take place. Also, on February 14th, there will be an early bird draw of $500. The last draw winner took home over $13,000.
Tickets can be purchased on-line and support Homeless Shelters and Coats For Kids. A portion of the proceeds from tickets sold by Council 13049 are used for initiatives in our community. Use this link to purchase tickets and support Council 13049. Click here
Good Of The Order
The Lecturer’s "Good of the Order Notes" are now in the "Council Documents Library" in the Members Only Section. Click Here
New Plasma Donor Facility Opens in Orléans
Worthy Lecturer, Brother Carl Mc Diarmid, informed the membership of the new Plasma Donor facility that Canadian Blood Services recently opened in Orléans. Click Here for more information about the Orléans Plasma Donor Centre.
The Order is calling on Canadian councils and membership to support the Order’s Ukrainian relief efforts by making a gift to fund much needed care packages.
$50 CAN supports one package and 1 family in need. Together with your help, Knights and volunteers in Poland will prepare and distribute 3,000 of these boxes to Ukrainian families. Each of these special packages will contain either food (flour, rice, sugar, etc.), children’s items (milk, sweet snacks, porridge, etc.), or hygiene products (wipes, toothpaste, shampoo etc.). The boxes will also feature a sticker reading “In Solidarity with Ukraine” (in Ukrainian), the emblem of the Order, and “Knights of Columbus” (in English).
This is a unique opportunity for Canadian councils and members to get involved in this massive relief effort. Your tax-deductible donation of any amount will help fund these packages as we move forward.
Please share this link to anyone you’d like to join us in our work: Click Here.
Remember, 100% of your donation goes directly to support those in need.
This campaign will show the world how Canadian Knights work tirelessly to provide relief in times of great need!
St. Joseph: Our Spiritual Father — a Knights of Columbus produced documentary for the Year of St. Joseph — is NOW AVAILABLE. Start or deepen your devotion to St. Joseph with this new film. Click Here to watch the full documentary.