Saint Edith Stein Council #13049

Council Breakfast was on Saturday, February 8th at 9am at Broadways Restaurant. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time.

50 / 50 Fundraiser. Scroll below for details.

Here is a photo from the blood donor clinic in honour of Brother Tim Halderson Jan 24 2025.

Saint Edith Stein Council 13049 is saddened by the news of the passing of Past Grand Knight and Charter Member of our Council, Sir Knight Robert Timothy (Tim) Halderson on November 22, 2024, at the age of 77.

On January 21st 2025, Brothers Harold Rideout and Carl McDiarmid attended St. John Paul II CES in Hammond Ontario and conducted a Basketball Free Throw Competition. Fifty students, aged 9-11 years old, boys and girls, competed in this event.

Grand Knights Levee held at Pangborn Hall December 7, 2024.
Awards to Real J R Munger, Jerome Gagnier, Deacon Mike Seguin and
Rev. Gerard Monaghan

Thank you to Brothers Carl Mc Diarmid, Randy Gratton, Harold Rideout, Charlie Maheu and GK Mike Shore for participating in the Rockland Christmas Parade of Lights

On November 11th 2024 several members attended the Remembrance Day ceremony held at the Rockland Cenotaph. Brothers Real Munger, Phil Beauchamp, Pat Callaghan and John Czuba represented Council 13049. A wreath was laid by the Council.

Council 13049 Installation of Officers Ceremony held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Ottawa on Sunday October 27th 2024. FS Steve Phillips, GK Mike Shore, Lecturer Carl Mc Diarmid PGK, Trustee Pat Callaghan PGK and their wives.

Delivered a cheque for $600 to the Miriam Centre in Orleans for ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy). Left to right are: FS Steve Phillips, Miriam Centre Staff, Lyzann Godin-LecLerc, Nicole Beaudin, Kerline Mingot-Gard and GK Mike Shore.

Mothers Day High Tea at St. Faustina’s Parish Hall on Saturday May 11th which was served by the Knights. 50 women and a few children attended the event.

This is from the Mothers Day High Tea at St. Faustina’s Parish Hall on Saturday May 11th which was served by Brother Steve Phillips, SK Tim Halderson, Brother Jean-Pierre Payer, Brother Pat Callaghan, SK Gaetan Gendron, SK Charlie Maheu and SK Frits Van Oers.

Brother Jean-Pierre Payer and Grand Knight Patrick Callaghan presented 37 certificates and winner ribbons to the students of St John Paul II CES in Hammond on 26 April 2024. One placed 1st at the Ottawa Regional BBFT competition and 3rd in the Province of Ontario.

On January 20th at 4pm Mass our Council took on the various roles of the Mass to celebrate our 22nd Charter Anniversary at St. Faustina Parish.

On January 18th 2024, 66 students participated in the basket ball free-throw at St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School in Rockland. Phys Ed teacher Ms. Mallette was supported by 4 members in this very worthwhile program.

District Deputy Mike Goulet presented our Worthy Grand Knight, Pat Callaghan, the FATHER MCGIVNEY AWARD 2019-2020. This award recognizes excellence in our council’s membership growth.

Council 13049 participated in the Rockland 2023 Christmas Parade of Lights on December 3rd. The float featured a nativity scene with the theme "Keeping Christ in Christmas". See more pictures in the "Photo Galleries".

On November 11th 2023 several members attended the Remembrance Day ceremony held at the Rockland Cenotaph. Brothers Mike Van Oers, Mike Shore, Pat Callaghan, Harold Rideout, John Czuba and Phil Beauchamp represented Council 13049. A wreath was laid by the GK.

On November 8th 2023, 57 participating students were presented with certificates and ribbons for the Soccer Challenge at Saint Patrick School in Rockland. Phys Ed teacher Ms. Mallette and Brothers Pat Callaghan and Harold Rideout congratulate the students.

Council 13049 presented a cheque for $200 to the Rockland Family Centre for the 2023 Snowsuit Fundraiser on November 3rd. The breakfast event was held at Broadway Bar and Grill Restaurant in Rockland. A portion of breakfast proceeds were donated to the Fundraiser.

On October 31st 2023 GK Pat Callaghan and DGK Mike Shore presented certificates to the 39 participants from the October 5th Soccer Challenge at Saint John Paul II Catholic School in Hammond. Looking on are Principal Laurie Reese and PE Teacher Kent O'Brien.

The Installation of Officers Ceremony for Districts 66 & 104 was held on Sunday October 29th at Good Shepherd Parish in Orleans. Six brothers from Council 13049's 2023-2024 Executive were presented with their Jewels of Office.

Council 13049 organized a Soccer Challenge on September 27th 2023 at St. Patrick Catholic School in Rockland. 57 students participated and enjoyed the experience. Gym teacher Mrs. Mallette poses with Knights who ensured a successful event.

ASAP PROGRAM (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) - On September 5th 2023 Grand Knight Pat Callaghan presented a cheque for $600 to the Miriam Centre, a Pregnancy Care Centre in Orléans, Ontario. $500 from our Council and $100 from Supreme.

Deacon Tom Donohue was presented with a Certificate acknowledging 41 years of Loyal and Faithful Service to the Knights of Columbus. L-R: Father Gerard, Mrs. Donohue, Deacon Tom and FS Steve Phillips.

On Monday August 14th 2023 Council 13049 held a live, in-person Exemplification ceremony at Saint Faustina Parish in Cumberland. We welcomed Brother J.P. to full Knighthood.

On June 27th 2023 GK Callaghan presented a cheque for $150 to a graduating student from Saint Francis Xavier Catholic High School in Hammond. The Saint Edith Stein Knights of Columbus Bursary supports catholic education in our community.

Brother Knights working at the BBQ for the Annual Saint Faustina Parish Mass and Family Luncheon, held at the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum. Great time had by all!

LEAVE NO NEIGHBOUR BEHIND - Brothers Tim, Mike and Carl along with wife's Bev and Elisa volunteering at the Rockland Blood Donor Clinic on June 6th 2023. 84 units of blood collected! Council 13049 has been supporting the Rockland Clinic for over 20 years!

Financial Secretary Steve Phillips donates Plasma on May 30th 2023. This was the 1st anniversary of the opening of the Plasma Donor Centre (Orleans). Looking on is Linda, a Plasma recipient, who visited the Centre to thank all Plasma donors.

FOOD FOR FAMILIES - Financial Secretary Steve Phillips presents a cheque for $250 on behalf of Council 13049, to the Rockland Help Centre to support the Food Bank serving Clarence-Rockland, on June 1st 2023.

Grand Knight Pat Callaghan and his Lady Francine helped at the Cumberland Lions Club "MapleFest" on Saturday April 1st 2023. Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe stopped by to sample the tasty pancakes.

On Thursday March 9th 2023 Council 13049 held a live in-person Exemplification ceremony at Saint Faustina Parish in Cumberland. We welcomed 2 new brothers to full Knighthood.

PGK Tim Halderson receives his Certificate of Appreciation from Father Monaghan at the Grand Knights Levee on December 3rd 2022. This event also celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Saint Edith Stein Council 13049.

On November 6th 2022 several members attended the Remembrance Day ceremony held at the Rockland Cenotaph. Brothers Mike Shore, Pat Callaghan, Mike Van Oers, Robin Daniels and Phil Beauchamp represented Council 13049. A wreath was laid by GK Pat Callaghan.

Past Grand Knight Tim Halderson (center) is presented with a Certificate of Recognition for his many years of service as Grand Knight of Council 13049. With brother Tim are Father Monaghan and current GK Pat Callaghan.

Brother Richard Fehr receives a certificate acknowledging his 44 years as a Knight. Presenting the certificate is Grand Knight Pat Callaghan and Father Monaghan. Accompanying Brother Richard is his wife Betty.

Council 13049 was awarded the Ontario State 1st Place Award for Best Council in Division #5 for 2021-2022. District Deputy Mike Goulet (center) presents the plaque to DGK Pat Callaghan (left) and GK Tim Halderson (Right).

Brother Jerome Gagnier power washed the outside walls of Saint Faustina on Friday May 20th 2022. Jerome has been a Knight for 43 years! His dedication to the Knights and Saint Faustina is amazing.

COMMUNITY - GLOBAL WHEELCHAIR MISSION - Grand Knight Tim Halderson (right) presents a cheque for $390 to Ontario State Community Director Mario Duguay (left) for the purchase of 2 "Wheelchairs For Ukraine".

FAITH IN ACTION - LIFE - Grand Knight Tim Halderson presents a cheque for $100 to the Miriam Centre in Orléans on April 6th 2022. The Miriam Centre provides love and compassion to all those who find the circumstances surrounding their pregnancy difficult.

Council 13049's float in the 2021 Rockland Christmas Parade of Lights.
The Theme: "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season. Keeping Christ In Christmas"

FOOD FOR FAMILIES - Deputy Grand Knight Tim Halderson presents a cheque for $100 on behalf of Council 13049, to the Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre to support their Food Bank program, on April 6th 2021.

Saint Faustina Church, Cumberland - Our current Parish

Our 2019 Charter Mass at Saint Faustina Church

Brother Knights working at the May 2019 Flea Market sponsored by the 1st Rockland Scouting Group to raise funds to support community causes.

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Council Announcements

Passing of Sir Knight Tim Halderson PGK

Saint Edith Stein Council 13049 is saddened by the news of the passing of Past Grand Knight and Charter Member of our Council, Sir Knight Robert Timothy (Tim) Halderson on November 22, 2024, at the age of 77.

Tim was a member of the Knights of Columbus for 23 years. He was the Council’s Grand Knight for the following years: 2003-2004, 2007-2009 and 2021-2022.

He also served as Deputy Grand Knight, Trustee, Retention Chairman and in many other positions.

Tim was also a Clinic Volunteer Leader for Canadian Blood Services.

Click Here for a tribute to Tim's volunteer dedication to Canadian Blood Services.

To view the full obituary, Click Here.

KofC 2025 Ontario Charity Foundation 50/50 Fundraiser!

The 2025 raffle for the Knights of Columbus 50/50 draw is here.  Tickets will be sold from now until April 27th when the grand draw will take place.  Also, on February 14th, there will be an early bird draw of $500.  The last draw winner took home over $13,000.


Tickets can be purchased on-line and support Homeless Shelters and Coats For Kids. A portion of the proceeds from tickets sold by Council 13049 are used for initiatives in our community. Use this link to purchase tickets and support Council 13049. Click here 

Good Of The Order

The Lecturer’s "Good of the Order Notes" are now in the "Council Documents Library" in the Members Only Section. Click Here

 New Plasma Donor Facility Opens in Orléans

Worthy Lecturer, Brother Carl Mc Diarmid, informed the membership of the new Plasma Donor facility that Canadian Blood Services recently opened in Orléans. Click Here for more information about the Orléans Plasma Donor Centre.

The Order is calling on Canadian councils and membership to support the Order’s Ukrainian relief efforts by making a gift to fund much needed care packages.

$50 CAN supports one package and 1 family in need. Together with your help, Knights and volunteers in Poland will prepare and distribute 3,000 of these boxes to Ukrainian families. Each of these special packages will contain either food (flour, rice, sugar, etc.), children’s items (milk, sweet snacks, porridge, etc.), or hygiene products (wipes, toothpaste, shampoo etc.). The boxes will also feature a sticker reading “In Solidarity with Ukraine” (in Ukrainian), the emblem of the Order, and “Knights of Columbus” (in English).

This is a unique opportunity for Canadian councils and members to get involved in this massive relief effort. Your tax-deductible donation of any amount will help fund these packages as we move forward.

Please share this  link to anyone you’d like to join us in our workClick Here.

Remember, 100% of your donation goes directly to support those in need.

This campaign will show the world how Canadian Knights work tirelessly to provide relief in times of great need!

 St. Joseph: Our Spiritual Father — a Knights of Columbus produced documentary for the Year of St. Joseph — is NOW AVAILABLE. Start or deepen your devotion to St. Joseph with this new film. Click Here to watch the full documentary.

Upcoming Council Events

No events hosted by this council are scheduled within the next 60 days.

About Our Council

Council Business Meeting Schedule

3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm

Meetings Location

c/o Saint Faustina Parish
2571 Ottawa Regional Road 174
Cumberland, ON K4C 1E5 CA

Council Officers

MEMBERS ONLYAs an additional security measure access to MEMBERS ONLY  
is now available through this button only.  
