2024 - 2025

R.Peter Klecan

In our hall on Saturday night, October 20, 2024, more than 70 people gathered to pay respects and honor our council’s Knight of the Year (KOY). GK Ken Tarara and Dan Norris, our current KOY, were the host and event planner. That’s one of the honors that each newly elected KOY receives; he gets the duty to plan and act as the emcee for the next banquet!

After an opening prayer, Dan first of all thanked the volunteers who set up the hall. First off, he thanked wife Lori Norris for the centerpieces and for the tasty appetizer table (“appetizer” is a French word for “Charcuterie” – ed) Dan also thanked PKOYs “Tom Cambell, Ed Lynch, Larry Belair, Mike Petrilli, and Norm Comeau and Ed Herger for their work on Saturday morning.

We enjoyed a tasty meal from Lenzi’s Catering of Dracut, MA, of pasta, chicken parm, meatballs, garlic bread, and salad. This was served to us by eight-graders of St. Joseph Regional Catholic School, Anna Lucia, Amanda, and Payton, under the direction of Lori Norris. We had music by DJ “Ski” to entertain us.

As the meal finished, Dan described to the well fed guests the KOY process and voting, he asked for all the attending KOYs to stand and be recognized. Then Dan proceeded to announce the names of the current Knights of the Month, from whom the past KOYs elected the new KOY. (The “KOMs” are listed on our web site. -ed)

Introducing the KOY for 2023-2024, Pete Klecan. (“R. Peter Klecan”) Pete came forward to accept the award, and also to reflect on all the Knights who make our council great. “I never could do any of the things I did without the help and support of my brother Knights.” And also, the help and support of my wife, Kristen. Pete was recognized for his leadership of the Tootsie Roll campaign, for his Chairmanship of the Pro-Life activity, his hosting with Kristen of after-mass coffee and doughnuts, and many more. Dan Norris noted that when Pete’s name was brought up in the KOY balloting in September, after the initial reading of his KOM citation by GK Ken Tarara, the past KOYs kept adding more accomplishments.

With dessert, we had our prize raffle, and then dancing into the wee hours past 8:00PM.

The clean up was carried out by a host of brother Knights and wives, too numerous to list. But notable was Larry Belair, who manned the dishwasher in the kitchen, and was one of the last to leave, along with Dan and Lori Norris, about 9:45 PM.

Great job, Dan and Lori! And Pete, enjoy the KOY reserved parking spot!

2024 - 2025

All Knights of the Year Council- 4442

2023/2024 R. Peter Klecan
2022/2023 Daniel J. Norris
2021/2022 Thomas C. Campbell
2020/2021 Edward P. Lynch
2019/2020 Joseph P. Stafford
2018/2019 Charles J. Walsh
2017/2018 Donald W. Simmons
2016/2017 Michael W. Petrilli, Sr.
2015/2016 William "Bill" Richards
2014/2015 Stillman "Butch" Kealey
2013/2014 Eugene Bryant
2012/2013 Lou Stella
2011/2012 Jose Moreno
2010/2011 Donald Gagne Sr.
2009/2010 David C. Thompson Jr.
2008/2009 Paul St.Amand
2007/2008 Vinnie Sarcione
2006/2007 Al Faucher
2005/2006 Ken Akerley
2004/2005 Alan Phair
2003/2004 Charles Espinola
2002/2003 Scott Routhier
2001/2002 John Gagnon
2000/2001 Robert Carrier
1999/2000 Laurence Belair
1998/1999 Richard Collopy
1997/1998 Richard J Robichaud
1996/1997 Wilfred E Bamford
1995/1996 James L Johnson
1994/1995 James Harvey
1993/1994 William Silvestri
1992/1993 Robert C Donald
1991/1992 Donald S LeBlanc
1990/1991 Jerry Camire
1989/1990 Thomas Kawa
1988/1989 George Masciarelli
1987/1988 Paul S Simard
1986/1987 Chanel Simard
1985/1986 Robert A Fournier
1984/1985 Stephen A Gorgol
1983/1984 Joseph R Rivet
1982/1983 Robert C Bryant Jr
1981/1982 William Gallagher
1980/1981 Mike Clare
1979/1980 Stanley A Gorgol / Robert C Bryant Sr
1978/1979 Frank Ardagna
1977/1978 John Mancuso
1976/1977 Stanley T Gorgol
1975/1976 Ralph J Miele

1974/1969 none awarded

1967/1968 Msgr C F Cahill
1966/1967 John D Reilly
1965/1966 Roland J Abour
1964/1965 William J Porier
1963/1964 Francis J Hickey

2023 - 2024

Daniel Norris

Dan receives the award from "Immediate Past KOY" Tom Campbell. Dan was recognized for his many years serving as our Council Advocate. He has guided us through the stormy seas of legalities and differing interpretations of NH State Law and Supreme Rules and Regulations. Thank you, Dan