2024 - 2025
The Harris Family
The FAMILY OF THE YEAR award recognizes a council family that models Christian family values and visibly lives them everyday. There is a family in our council who for years has, rather quietly and regularly, contributed in many ways to our council, the parish & beyond. The Kevin & Laurie Harris Family; Kevin, Laurie, Tyler Kimberly, Krystal and Patrick. Over the years, all of the Harris family have volunteered at the Café, are frequent blood donors, and most have served as Eucharistic Ministers. Individually, Kevin first joined the Knights 40+ years ago and is a lead usher; Laurie is a past Gala co-chair and hospitality coordinator; The “kids”, after years of being Table & Light ministers and Catholic education, are now all growed up! Our brother Knight, Friar Tyler, is in Franciscan formation, recently completing a year of service in Jamaica and now relocated to Texas; Krystal is a past staff member at St Viator and of the Holy Family Pastoral Council; Kimberly works locally as a physical therapist, and Patrick works in Investment Management in Minnesota Kudos to the Harris Family 2023–2024 FAMILY OF THE YEAR |