2023 - 2024
SK Joe & Kathleen McCarty
Council 10232 recognizes SK Joe and Kathleen McCarty as the Family of the Year for Fraternal Year 2023-24. Joe and Kathleen are devoted Catholics who attend Mass daily. They often greet parishioners as they arrive for Mass. During the Parish's First Friday Adoration period, they fulfill the requirement for the presence of at least two people each designated hour during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Kathleen often takes Holy Communion to individuals unable to attend Mass in person. They actively participate in all Council activities. Joe coordinated the display of the St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon at various churches in North Alabama, including at Comunita Cenacolo, an addicition recovery center started by Bishop Emeritus Robert Baker for their annual St. Joseph Day Mass. He also organized, planned, and helped conduct the transfer of the Silver Rose between both Madison AL KofC Councils with a run/walk by Knights from both Councils over the six-mile distance between both Mercy Parish and St. John's Parish. Joe also served as a judge for the Council's Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest and organized the application, selection process, and awarding of Council scholarships to worthy high school seniors entering college and 8th Graders entering St. John Paul II High School. As Financial Secretary for the Council, Joe is one of two Council members entrusted with handling all funds for Council activities. He is an active recruiter of new candidates, has been directly responsible for successfully processing 14 new members and several transfers into our Council to date, and was recognized by Supreme as a "Top Recruiter," receiving a lapel pin. Since joining the St. John the Baptist Catholic Church family, Joe has been Godfather for three infants and Kathleen has been Godmother to one infant. Joe has also served as Sponsor for one adult Confirmand and four teen Confirmandi. The Alabama State Council also selected Joe & Kathleen as the State's Family of the Year for this fraternal year at the State Convention in April. |
2022 - 2023
Ronnie & Linda Rickabaugh and Family
The Rickabaugh’s have been a fixture in the St. John the Baptist Knights of Columbus Council 10232 and the St. John’s Parish Community for many years since Ronnie’s retirement from the US Air Force. Family Programs Director, Past Grand Knight (Council 6696, Rio Rancho, NM, 2001-2002). They have volunteered and participated in many different activities as a family and individually. They not only support Knights of Columbus and Parish activities, but are also significant contributors to our local community. The Rickabaugh's also set a worthy example by being primary care givers to Linda's 100-year-old mother, providing constant care for her in their home until her recent passing. They would bring her mother to the monthly 4th degree bunco game, and they ensured that Linda's mother got to attend Mass every Sunday. Linda and Ronnie saw to both her physical and spiritual needs for the last 10 years of her life. Brother Ronnie is our current Family Director and has stepped up fully into that role. He added the consecration of the Holy Family into our programs, which we did for the first time this year. He oversaw our successful Keep Christ in Christmas, Food for Families, participated in our support of the Cenacolo Men's Program and to the councils support of the Athens Pregnancy Center. Linda is part of the Ladies Auxiliary and participated alongside Ronnie at many events and participates in many Ladies Auxiliary functions. She does off site charitable works volunteering at a local thrift store which supports pet rescues. She is an avid biker and bikes for the Great Cycle Challenge to cure childhood cancer. This year she biked over 400 miles and raised over $5000. In the last 3 years she has raised $16,108 and biked 1153 miles. Linda also makes handmade rosaries and donates them to different ministries for events, namely the St John's School Benefit Gala. Linda and Ronnie both are Eucharistic ministers for the parish. Their son, Andrew Rickabaugh, is a fellow brother Knight with 19 years of service. Andrew Rickabaugh owns his own restoration company and sponsors the Councils annual 5K as well as other community organizations. His company offers services to the church and parish's Catholic Elementary and Middle School and he recently responded to the school's emergency flooding after a recent freeze caused the water pipes to rupture. Their Daughter Erin is a cantor for the St John the Baptist choir, often serving multiple Masses on Sundays, and is a nurse at the Huntsville Hospital in Madison. |
2021 - 2022
Mike & Jacky Walsh
Mike is the Program Director for the Council’s Keep Christ in Christmas program for since 2019 and was a CCD Teacher/Assistant during the school year 2021-22. As a member and officer of the Global Federation of Women's Club, Jacky collected food for local churches' food banks and the Food Bank of North Alabama; books for the Club's Little Free Library program; clothing for homeless; other essential hygiene items for First Stop (homeless shelter); and the battered women shelter. She also volunteered to reactivate and re-energize the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary this past fraternal year.
Brother Mike and his wife Jacky provide invaluable service to the parish, to the Knights, and to the community. His dedication to the Keep Christ in Christmas program and her initiative to head up the recommissioned Ladies Axillary exemplify their reverence for the Catholic faith and enthusiasm for the Knights and the community. |