August 2024

Jim and Jan Riedl

You have been selected as our “Family of the Month” for August 2024. This recognition is presented because of the many ways you both have contributed to our council, and our parish.
We greatly appreciate you both assisting us regularly at the Café, especially in helping on Saturday set up. It is interesting when some of our regular volunteers take a month off, how many little things are missing, things they do regularly that we sometimes fail to notice! So, thank you for all the tasks you both regularly do for the Café and Fish Fries!
As you know, family participation is what makes our council’s activities possible. Our Knights, spouses, widows and friends, are an extended family that not only works together, but we also enjoy each other’s company. Your efforts and participation strengthen our Knights Family. Thank you so much, and congratulations!

June 2024

Kent and Carol Deener

Kent and Carol, you have been selected as our “Family of the Month” for June 2024. This recognition is presented because of the many ways you both have contributed to our council, and our parish. You were both nominated by PGK Greg Flanagan as one of his last acts as Grand Knight, as well as our Deputy Grand Knight Bob Vanselow, and I concurred.
We greatly appreciate you both serving food at our 2024 Installation last month, and your assistance at the Fish Fries, Café, and Poker events. We also appreciate Kent becoming a 4th degree “Sir” Knight and your participation at that ceremony.
As you know, family participation is what makes our council’s activities possible. Our Knights, Spouses, Widows and Friends, are an extended family that not only works together, but we also enjoy each other’s company. Your efforts and participation strengthen our Knights Family. Thank you so much, and congratulations!

April 2024

Bob and Pat Vanselow

Our April Family of the Month is Bob & Pat Vanselow. We’ve identified this honor specifically for their work in coordinating the April Corporate Mass and Brunch, but like so many things of this nature, we’re also thanking them for doing that for the last several years! And, we’d be remiss not to mention their stellar efforts with our cafés, fish fries, and parish picnics. They are a great team and it’s wonderful to be able to count on them for the help we need. So, for those reasons we’ve named Bob & Pat Vanselow our April Family of the Month

February 2024

Ron and Kathy Wojewoda

Ron and Kathy are fantastic examples of what a Catholic Marriage should be. They cook at all Knights food events, and also help at the monthly Produce Distribution. They are also Eucharistic Ministers and Ushers for the Parish.

January 2024

The Ostermeyer Family

Dan has been a mainstay on the café team for many years, and is our chief “Mr. Coffee”. He’s also our Respect Life Chair, taking lead on activities such as the Blood Drive and the Baby Bottle Campaign. Katy Is one of our Lady Knights where she has become one of our finest flex-workers… helping where ever needed… for a year or more at the café and fish fries. Son William, who joined our council last year and is undoubtedly the youngest member of our council, assists at many of our events and was instrumental in identifying and working a project for our council to send Christmas cards to disabled.