Action Alert from New Jersey Catholic Conference
On Monday, February 28, the United States Senate will vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act, H.R. 3755. Sadly, the United States House of Representatives passed this legislation in September of 2021.
This deceptively-named, extreme bill would impose abortion on demand nationwide at any stage of pregnancy through federal statute. Even worse, it would eliminate modest and widely supported pro-life laws at every level of government -- the federal, state, and local level -- including parental notification for minor girls, informed consent, and health or safety protections specific to abortion facilities. It would force all Americans to support abortions here and abroad with their tax dollars. It would also likely force health care providers and professionals to perform, assist in, and/or refer for abortion against their deeply-held beliefs, as well as force employers and insurers to cover or pay for abortion.
We need to send an unmistakable message to the Senate that this horrible bill must never be enacted. Therefore, we ask you to click the link below to contact New Jersey’s two U.S. Senators.
For more information on this extreme abortion bill, check out the chairmen’s letter and this fact sheet to learn more about this radical bill.
Faithful Navigator's Message
Worthy Sir Knights,
Our next scheduled Assembly meeting will be held Wednesday, February 23rd, at Sacred Heart Center.
Here are the details:
When: Wednesday, January 26th. Time: 7:30 PM Location: Sacred Heart Center, 20 Old Swartswood Road, Newton.
Mask wearing is optional, feel free to wear one if you need to or are more comfortable doing so.
As we’ve done previously, we will be simultaneously broadcasting the meeting via Zoom. So, for those of you with continued COVID/Omicron concerns, quarantine requirements, or unable to attend in person you can be with us virtually. The attached document has the link to join our meeting.
In addition to the Zoom link document, I’ve also attached a motion submitted by SK John Gawdun III for our Assembly to provide memorial grave markers to the families of deceased Sir Knights. The motion is typed out on a form John used in the past with his Council. I’ve also added a second page with examples of the markers. I will bring this up under new business, but since John joins us virtually from Florida, and it’s hard at times for a member to make the motion remotely, I ask any Sir Knight at our meeting to please make the motion for John.
Thanks, and looking forward to seeing everyone.
God bless and Vivat Jesus!
Frank Memolo Faithful Navigator Assembly 2716 973-607-7029
To join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 836 5560 4187 Passcode: 826827
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