New Meeting Location - St Joseph In Joliet, 416 N Chicago St starting Aug 2019
Assembly Officers Elected for 2019-20 Fraternal Year
List of Officers for 2019-20
Faithful Friar – Rev. John T. McGeean
Faithful Navigator - Barry Cullum
Faithful Captain - Rodney Kauer
Faithful Pilot - Dan Lupton
Faithful Admiral - Thad Stewart
Faithful Purser - Marty Lepacek
Faithful Comptroller - Tim Cosgrove, PFN
Faithful Scribe - David Way
Sentinals - Mike Gonda & Shawn Black & Peter Wilder
Trustees - 3 Yr Shawn Ryan, 2 Yr Steve Joutras, PFN, 1 Yr Lawrence A. Beaudin
Thanks to Past Faithful Navigator SK Thad Stewart
Note the web site listing is missing 3 as their councils do not subscribe to the website service so unable to list them under the officer button but are included in the above listing.
Assembly Meeting Location - St. Joseph in Joliet at 416 N Chicago St. Look for signs directing you to the meeting room. Meeting starts at 7pm and is preceded by a steak fry from 6-6:45 during warmer weather.
Sir Knights: At our meeting in May 2019, after much discussion, the membership voted to change our meeting location to St. Joseph in Joliet. We are very grateful to the Parish for allowing us to have our meetings there.
We are also thankful to St Mary Nativity for letting us have our meetings at their facility for the past several years.