Now Pay Dues Online in Members Only
 Sir Knight Arnold J. Terrell of Assembly 2148 and Council 6514 Named Georgia Master
Assembly 2148 Monthly Meetings Will Now Alternate Between St. Joseph Catholic Church, St. Catherine Labouré Catholic Church, and St. Aelred Catholic Church. See Events Calendar for Dates and Locations

Would you Prayerfully Consider Joining the Color Corps/Honor Guard? Read the message from our Faithful Navigator Here
Assembly 2148 Welcomes New Sir Knights!

Assembly 2148 Participates in Chapel Dedication and Founders Day at Monsignor Donovan High School

Assembly 2148 Participates in Cross District Lines Event With His Excellency Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer

Assembly 2148 Provides Color Guard for Eminence Cardinal Alvaro Leonel Ramazzini Imeri, Bishop of Huehuetenango Guatemala

The First Real Thanksgiving- It took place not at Plymouth, but in Catholic Florida

In honor of Veteran's Day:
Knights Who Have Received the Medal of Honor
Great News!, Handbooks and Manuals are Now Available Online
 Pray the Holy Rosary- Sponsored by Council 6514
 Adoration Guardians for St. Joseph Parish needed!

The Vatican announced Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away Saturday morning at 9:34 a.m. He was 95 years old.
 Using Duck Duck Go Search Engine to Avoid Google Censorship