Missouri State Council


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Thursday, August 10, 2017

from 6:00 pm 'til 7:00 pm

Host Council:  Kansas City- Visitation Parish Council #1698

Candidates arrive no later than 5:45PM - Fin Sec plz bring Admission Degree Kits(s) for your candidates.  Dress: Biz casual. Fin Sec plz bring your Constitutional Roll for candiate(s) signature & GK / FS/ Candidate signed Form 100. GK - Plz alert Council 1698 of # of candidate(s) from your council? Email: Bob Steinert, DD#07: steinert@lexmark.com  Parking: Adjacent to Visitation parish parking lot on Main Street. Following Degree (DVD) refreshments will be served. Aug biz meeting starts at 7pm

Event Location
Council 1698 "Msgr Tighe" at Visitation parish
5141 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64113 US