Oregon State Council


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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Starting at 5:00 pm

Event Link: https://uknight.org/StateCouncilSite/event-detail-state.asp?ID=701&CN=US&ST=OR&FROM=U

Contact Information
Name: Robert Kish

Keeping with tradition, the Oregon State Officers and their wives volunteer at the Fr. Taaffe, Mt. Angel Oktoberfest booth Saturday night 6:00pm to closing selling and serving. This year this takes place on Sept. 17th. We typically go to 5:00 Mass up at St. Mary's, then walk down to the booth to begin working at 6:00.


I hope many of you can volunteer for this most worthy cause.



We are looking for volunteers for all days of the Oktoberfest (Sept 15-18)? Pass the word, we need volunteers for all shifts. This is a great Pro-Life activity...one more line item on the SP7.


Father Taaffe Homes Visit HERE


Event Location
St Mary's Catholic Church
575 E College St
Mt Angel, OR 97362 US