Oregon State Council


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Saturday, January 29, 2022

Starting at 11:00 am

Event Link: https://uknight.org/StateCouncilSite/event-detail-state.asp?ID=5943&CN=US&ST=OR&FROM=U


Holy Hour flyer

As part of the Eucharistic Revival called for by the U.S. Bishops, Archbishop Alexander K. Sample, Bishop Liam Cary, and
the Oregon Knights of Columbus are asking that every Catholic Church in Oregon try to hold an Hour of Eucharistic
Adoration. The State Council is asking every local council in Oregon to support and assist with publicity and scheduling for
this event, and for the membership to fully participate. The primary focus of the event is for divine guidance for the
Synodal process called for by Pope Francis. We also pray for a deeper understanding of the dignity and sacredness of
human life from conception to natural death and for a renewed spirit and light for all parishes and parishioners in the
Portland and Baker Dioceses.
January 29th, 2022 11:00 am
All Catholic Parishes in Oregon