Oregon State Council


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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Starting at 1:00 pm

Event Link: https://uknight.org/StateCouncilSite/event-detail-state.asp?ID=487&CN=US&ST=OR&FROM=U


Summer Meeting/Leadership Training
July 23-24, 2016 at St. Francis Church, 15651 SW Oregon St. Sherwood, OR. 97140
Worthy Officers, District Deputies, Directors, Chairman and Past State Deputies,
Again this year, the Oregon “Summer Meeting” will include more than just the District Deputies.
Council Financial Secretaries, Grand Knights, Council Program Directors and Membership Directors have also
been invited. This will be a great opportunity for training of District Deputies and Council Officers and for
some good old fashioned “Fraternalism”.
District Deputies will be required to attend both days and will again be reimbursed by Supreme.
Directors and Chairmen should also be present both days. Your reimbursement will be by the State.
Directors will receive a call from the General Program Director or myself on what will be required of
you at this meeting after the GPD returns from Dallas. For now, please register while there are rooms available.
I would ask that all DD’s, Directors and Chairmen check into the hotel Friday July 22nd.
You’re requested to attend the “Meet & Greet Desert Social” at 7:00pm in the St. Francis Church Hall. This is a
great opportunity for us to meet and greet the new and the experienced among us. Ladies are welcome as well.
This should be a fun time!
It’s also important to note that this will be a 2 day event for the District Deputy training. Saturday
morning the meeting starts at 8am sharp. Saturday night we will all attend Mass at St Francis Church (same as
the meeting location) at 5:30pm and then attend the Dinner, (same location), right after Mass. I highly suggest
that everyone along with their wives stay for Mass and dinner so that we can work on the Fraternalism that is
sorely missed in our Order here in Oregon. Sunday morning resumes at 8am. If all goes well we should be done
by noon Sunday.
The Ladies invents are still in the works and info should be come shortly.
You will need to register for this “Summer Meeting/Leadership Training”.
Attached please find the registration form and registration information. Please complete this form and send it
back to the State Secretary well before the actual due date. Note: No State officer is going to call you and
remind you to get your form in. I am counting on you to take care of this in a timely manner. I would hate to see
you miss out on this exciting, once a year training opportunity.
I look forward to seeing you in Sherwood.
Fraternally Yours,
Sid Thiel.
Oregon State Deputy 2016-2017

Event Location
St. Francis Church
15651 SW Oregon St.
Sherwood, OR  US