Oregon State Council


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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Starting at 8:00 am

Event Link: https://uknight.org/StateCouncilSite/event-detail-state.asp?ID=1818&CN=US&ST=OR&FROM=U

Contact Information
Name: Mike Woody

Roasry Bowl 2018 FLYER HERE

Please share this wonderful event with your Councils, Families and Friends. SAVE THE DATE! See you at the Rosary Bowl.

What is the event?
"A World at Prayer is a World at Peace®: The Rosary Bowl" is a Rosary celebration for world peace.  It is an invitation to join the community in public prayer for the needs of all families, for our communities for our nation and for the whole world.
Rosary Bowl NW began in October 2007 and has become an annual event on the first Saturday in October.   October is traditionally observed as "The Rosary" month and "Respect Life" month.   Rosary Bowl NW is a non-profit corporation  501c3 status. Donations to the Rosary Bowl NW are tax deductible. Please contact us for donation and sponsorship opportunities.

When and where is the event?
Indoor Venue - Oregon State Fairgrounds Pavilion Building 
We gather on the first Saturday of the month of October annually.  

Why is the event being held?
The Rosary Bowl is being held in order to encourage Catholics and others to enhance their faith through prayer of the Rosary. Twenty-eight million people world-wide have attended 40 such events organized and conducted by Servant of God Father Peyton, now a sainthood candidate, over four decades and found them to be great experiences of the Christian community.
The Rosary Bowl seeks:
    * To enhance the prayer lives of our families, ourselves and our communities;
    * To strengthen unity in our homes and communities
    * To foster world peace

Event Location
Oregon State Fairgrounds Pavilion
2330 17th Street NE
Salem, OR 97303 US