Oregon State Council


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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Starting at 5:30 pm

Event Link: https://uknight.org/StateCouncilSite/event-detail-state.asp?ID=1755&CN=US&ST=OR&FROM=U

Contact Information
Name: Mike Woody

Dear Brother Knight!


Is your council "truly relevant?" What will your council do to engage members and families, and attract new ones? Faith in Action is our new Program Service Model which will help every council provide meaningful programs that attract and engage helping councils to be relevant! Father Michael McGivney, our founder, most certainly put "Faith into Action" and so should your council!


By putting our faith into actions we can address the pressing needs of our parish and community, today; in the very same way that Fr. McGivney did, in 1882! In this way you will be able to finish strong and get off to a fast start!


Bridging Council Action!

Thursday - June 28, 2018 at 8:30 PM

Eastern Daylight Saving Time


Register and Attend - Bridging Council Action - For All Officers


Fraternal Training Sessions are conducted live and then available on-demand at a time and place convenient to individual members.


Thank you, and thanks to your council, for what has been done to help those in need! Register and Attend our convenient online training. This webinar is open to all, and especially all council, district, chapter, diocese, regional and state council officers.


Fraternally yours,


Fraternal Mission


Fraternal Mission Department

Knights of Columbus

