Saskatchewan State Council


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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Starting at 1:00 am

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Dear Worthy Sirs,

       This December we have an amazing opportunity to entrust thousands of families to the patronage of the Holy Family. Our hope and goal is for as many families as possible to begin preparations this Advent for a consecration to the Holy Family to take place on Dec. 30th, the Feast of the Holy Family. As you may know, the 30th is a Sunday. Because it falls on a Sunday, we were hoping the consecration could take place at the end of each Mass. This way it would require minimal effort on the part of the council and parish, and give that many more families the opportunity to participate in the Consecration. Of course this is at the discretion of the pastor, but something I am hoping you will discuss with him and your council.

Any consecration requires adequate spiritual preparation. I would like to direct you to the resources we have to help guide and prepare families at In addition to these resources you could also direct them to the Keep Christ in Christmas prayer materials and Building the Domestic Church kiosk booklets, "A Scriptural Rosary for the Family" and/or the booklets on Mary and Joseph.

Again, we encourage you to advertise this to your council families and fellow parishioners soon so they can prepare and dive more deeply into the season of Advent and the Incarnation. You will also want to order the prayer cards for the day of the consecration. These and other program materials can be ordered through Officers Online under Family Programs.

If you have any questions please contact your state Family Directors. Please be assured of my prayers for you and your council brothers.

Call to action:

1.     Discuss as a council and with your pastor about coupling the Consecration to the Holy Family with Mass on Dec. 30th.

2.     Advertise this to the parish to provide adequate time to prepare for Consecration throughout Advent.

3.     Direct parishioners to printable support documents or order more online.

4.     Order Prayer Cards for the day of the consecration.


Thank you for your time, and I wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sincerely in Christ,

Sean Pott

Program Manager, Faith Initiatives

Knights of Columbus