Dear Brother Knights,
Back in July we discussed Supreme's Program, "Covid Recovery Program."  I know that we have varying degrees of how each parish is handling the most recent guidance from the January 6 issuance from the Bishop's office.  The full article can be found at this link:   Please reach out to your parishes and offer your Council's support where needed.  Instead of "Covid Recovery," we need to transition to Covid Maintenance and in some cases reinstate the "No Neighbor Left Behind" efforts.  
Our Mid-Year Meeting this coming Saturday will be virtual.  Last week, I encouraged councils to do likewise, and if not, please have a hybrid option in place.  We will be using Microsoft Teams, the same format Supreme and the Insurance side uses..  Please have your Delegates and attendees prepare ahead of time by downloading the proper application.  The meeting link is:
I would like to also remind that the "Annual Chaplains/ Friar Appreciation Night" has been rescheduled to February 28 with an extended deadline to President's Day, February 21.  The flyer may be accessed by going to event calendar.
Vivat Jesus!
Rick Johnson, State Deputy