Environment Committee


Chariman: SK Jose Moreno, Jr


Information from Supreme for this committee:

  • Plant trees. The destruction of the earth’s forests is one of today’s greatest environmental haz- ards. Organize tree planting projects and help ensure that your trees survive.
  • Organize clean ups of parks, beaches, empty lots and neighborhoods. Sort the trash you collect into recycling categories and bring it to a recycling center.
  • Report violations. Keep a phone list of city, state and federal offices that deal with air and water pollution. Report abuses promptly.
  • Teach children to respect their world. With the proper foundation, children can become envi- ronmentally sensitive, avoid littering and learn to use things sparingly and thoughtfully.
  • Recycle all the items that you can. Collect newspapers for reuse in pulp-making; save deposit bottles and aluminum cans for redemption; contribute toys, furniture and clothing to charitable organizations instead of throwing them away.
  • Adopt a highway. Many states and provinces have Adopt-A-Highway programs through which community groups accept responsibility for a short stretch of highway (usually half a mile to two miles) and agree to keep the roadside free of litter. The Adopt-A-Highway program is coordinated by each participating state or jurisdiction’s highway department, so contact that office to find out more about the program or find out how to institute it in your area.
KofC Supreme Documentation Source Page 16