Survivor's Assistance Committee


Chariman: SK Ronald L Cechan


Activities: Deceased Member Memorial and Support for Families in Stress Information from Supreme for this committee:

  • Maintain contact with widows and dependent children of members. A committee of council members might offer to help in making funeral arrangements, assist a widow in the completion of insurance forms, social security and other necessary paperwork. Keep a deceased Knight’s family informed about council activities they can attend or participate in; conduct social events particularly for the widows and children of members. Survey the needs of surviving family members and deter- mine in what ways your council can help meet those needs. The council membership, as well as the Knight’s family, will be enriched by maintaining ties. Often the council’s Knights of Columbus insur- ance agent offers a program of survivors’ assistance, so be sure to contact him. Upon receipt of a death notice of a member at the Supreme Council office, the supreme knight, on behalf of the board of directors, sends a letter of condolence to the widow or next of kin, informing them that their loved one is being enrolled in a Mass said at St. Mary’s Church, the birthplace of the Order in New Haven, Conn., every day throughout the year. Upon request, the Supreme Council adds the names of widows to the mailing list for Columbia maga- zine. State, provincial and local units are encouraged to also keep widows on mailing lists to receive council publications.
  • Extend to widows and their families any scholarships awarded by state and local councils. Widows and children of deceased members are eligible for Supreme Council educational benefits, such as scholarships and fellowships. For more information regarding Supreme Council programs, refer to the Financial Aid to Education booklet (#951) or write directly to the Supervisor of the Scholarship Department, P.O. Box 1670, New Haven, CT 06507-0901.
  • Remember the children of your deceased brothers. Include them in the youth activities of your council. Occasional visits and progress checks will make them feel wanted and important.
  • Invite the eligible sons of deceased members to join your Squires circle. This activity will assist them in building their leadership traits and carrying on the family tradition of Columbianism.
KofC Supreme Documentation Source Page 27