Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP) Committee


Chariman: M Alan Ladwig


Information from Supreme for this committee:

  • refund support Vocation Program (RSVP) Keep the faith alive by supporting our seminarians and postulants. as the strong right arm of the church, Knights of Columbus are committed to providing moral, financial and spiritual support to our future priests and religious at all stages of their formation. a featured program, RSVP counts for two credits toward the Columbian award. Through this program, council and parish families will raise funds to support seminarians or religious information, in their area. For every $500 given to an individual, the supreme Council will refund the council or assembly $100. The maximum refund a council or assembly can receive is $400 per individual supported. Though financial support is vitally important, it is not the only aspect of the RSVP program. Councils are also called to provide their “adopted” seminarian or religious with moral support and prayers for their success.
KofC Supreme Documentation Source Page 12