2018 - 2019

Eric Snyder

With great pride we announce the Knight of The Year, Worthy Eric Snyder!

Eric Snyder has demonstrated over the years through his steadfast appearance as bar tender, scholarship administrator, youth sports coordinator, hall maintenance worker, and trustee. Always ready to supply the answer, just ask him, Eric has a great big heart and willingness to help the council with nearly ever a complaint.

This year though, Eric passed a milestone. That’s spelled with one “l”. After years of bartending at the council and at St. Pat’s Parish Hall, he was able to make the final donation of a complete set of vestments to St. Patrick’s Parish. The set includes the alter chalice cloths of matching color and the white cloths all with the Celtic cross of the pattern designated for all.

This is a gift that is given with humble pride and great devotion to the parish. We should all be proud of Worthy Knight Eric. An article on the donation appears in this same Anchor and we will send an article to hopefully be printed in the Columbian as well. To all of our Knights, feel free any time to take up such a challenge to work for years to complete such a goal in the name of the council. His feat is truly noteworthy and admirable.

Congratulations Eric on being the Knight Of The Year!

2017 - 2018

Stephen Sommers

By unanimous acclaimation at the June 26th social meeting to end the 2017 fraternal year, Steve Sommers was voted as Knight of the Year for his tireless efforts to promote our council and the Knights of Columbus. Steve has spear-headed efforts to raise funds for various charities by cooking and selling pierogis and sausage, cooking meals at the hall for several charitable organizations, managed our famous Lenten fish fry series and given of his time and talent at levels way beyond the normal call of duty. Steve is an excellent example of a Knight in service to the community and his brother Knights.