August 2023

Joe Oliverio

Joe is very involved with Sleep in Heavenly Peace of Frederick and has gotten men and families from our council to help with monthly "bed builds" and deliveries. He is also involved in delivering furniture to the Advocates for Homeless Families program.

July 2023

Bill Hall

Played the harmonica in the background during our Memorial Day celebration.

January 2023

Les Wood

December 2022

John Hobble

September 2021

Peter Kuzmak

Peter helped the council make funnel cakes during our Parish Picnic.

August 2021

Joe Oliverio

Joe ushers at our Saturday mass and is very active in the community. We want to thank Joe for stepping in to help at a moments notice during our Officer Installation Ceremony for the 2021/2022 Fraternal Year.

July 2021

Alex Grabenstein

We would like to recognize Alex Grabenstein for his contributions to the Appalachia and REAL Program. With his help we were able to rebuild and renovate homes in West Virginia and around Libertytown, MD.

June 2021

Bill Hall

We want to recognize Bill Hall for his contributions at the Memorial Day Ceremony. He played his harmonica in the background as names of fallen brother Knights and soldiers were read and memorialized.

April 2021

Alex Haybok

Alex leads the Into the Breach Program at St. Peter’s and continues to have a great turnout of guys that attend each week. They meet on Saturday mornings at 7am in Sappington Hall through early July. The men really enjoy the video presentations and have great group discussion. It is a really nice Faith Program for the council and a great opportunity for networking and recruitment.

March 2021

John Heiderman

We want to acknowledge John Heiderman as our Knight of the Month. He donated some furniture to the Advocates for the Homeless and to a local veteran’s advocacy group in Brunswick. He was also present at one of our council led rosaries before Saturday night mass.

February 2021

Keith Huffer

Our Knight of the Month is Keith Huffer who helps coordinate “That Man is You”, an interactive men’s program that is focused on Catholic values and leadership. They meet on Saturday mornings in Sappington Hall. Keith also helps lead a 40-day spiritual exercise for men from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday called Exodus 90.

January 2021

Bob Droter

For the past two years Bob has been our Financial Secretary and Program Director - two very critical roles for our council. He carries on a tremendous amount of responsibility from managing our finances to creating and submitting reports on time to State and Supreme. Bob is super organized and is always planning ahead. We want to thank him for always going above and beyond to ensure that we continue to be an award winning council.

December 2020

Bob Lebron

Bob helped us deliver Firehouse Subs to First Responders in Libertytown and Walkersville. Since becoming an officer he actively participates in council events and does what he can to serve our parish and community so that no neighbor is left behind.

November 2020

Dan Wagner

We want to acknowledge our Deputy Grand Knight, Dan Wagner, for his positive energy in recruiting new members and for his active involvement in our council. He introduced us to a Food for Orphans program and got our guys involved on a Saturday morning to help the Walkersville Baptist Church community. We loaded a trailer with around 2,000 boxes of food to deliver to orphans living in extreme poverty in Honduras. He’s also been chairing a new program that we recently started called "Firehouse Subs to First Responders". We delivered meals to the Libertytown and Walkersville Firehouses so far and everyone we met were very appreciative by our act of kindness. He has also been involved with Boxes of Joy and delivering donuts to the guys in the recovery program at the Rescue Mission. He’s always looking for new unique programs to help our community in their time of need.

October 2020

Alex Haybok

We would like to acknowledge our Grand Knight for striving to keep our council active during these challenging times. Since we aren't able to meet in person he created a Zoom account so that all meetings can be conducted virtually. We have been relying on donations from our brother Knights to keep our programs running. Our Grand Knight created a PayPal Business Account so that we have an option to make donations online to support our programs and so that members can pay their dues online. He also maintains our council website and ensures that important information is communicated to our members.

September 2020

Joe Oliverio

We want to acknowledge Joe Oliverio for his help over the summer with the REAL Ministry. Joe volunteered every night that week helping with set up, clean up, and serving dinner to hungry workers that spent each day rebuilding and renovating homes around Libertytown. I could not be there on Tuesday night that week to help with the dinner because I had to lead a business meeting. Joe was there in my place to ensure everything ran as smoothly as possible in my absence.

August 2020

Joe Mandato

We want to acknowledge Joe Mandato for Knight of the Month for his help staining a wheelchair accessible ramp at the home of a council widow. He is our new Warden and has been doing a lot of great things for our council so far. Keep up the great work.

July 2020

Mike Jacobs

Our council would like to acknowledge Mike Jacobs for Knight of the Month for his leadership on a project to repair and restore a wheel chair ramp for a council widow. We appreciate all that you continue to do for our Parish, the community, and the Knights of Columbus.

May 2020

Jim Conko

Jim is involved in our Helping Hands program. Many in our communities are struggling and unable to provide adequate food to their families. He delivers meals to those in need and volunteers at our parish food pantry. Thank you, Jim for all that you do for our council and parish community.

April 2020

Paul Pieklo

At this time, many are finding themselves cut off and isolated – especially those without family and community support systems. Paul has led the effort in calling older parishioners and our brother Knights to check up on them during these challenging times.

March 2020

Phil Bohrer

We would like to recognize Phil Bohrer for all of his contributions to the council and to our parish community. Phil is always assisting our brother knights in the kitchen during our breakfast fundraisers and most recently at our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner.

February 2020

Jerry Jennings

We would like to thank Deacon Jerry for all of the work he continues to do for our parish and the Knights of Columbus. Most recently he participated in our first new degree Exemplification rehearsal in our church and will take on the role of council Chaplain when we conduct our public Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity.

May 2019

Terry Poole

Thank you for being a parish volunteer.

February 2019

Michael Fliesher

We appreciate Mike for consistently helping out every month at our Bingo events. He is one of the first to arrive to help us set everything up and stays until the very end to help clean up.

January 2019

Church Sign Builders Knights of 13290

A special recognition goes out this month to Jim Conko, Bill Gazdik and Walter Meuse. These men spent countless hours building our new church sign.

December 2018

Bill Denning

We would like to acknowledge Bill for the tremendous job that he did this year selling "Keep Christ in Christmas" cards and gifts after every mass and during our Christmas in the Country event. Proceeds help the Knights of Columbus distribute food to those in need, help families with emergency housing, medical bills, youth and scholarship programs and much more.

November 2018

Alex Haybok

For developing and maintaining the Council's website.

October 2018

Joe Dombek

Thank you for all of your help and generous support of the Tootsie Roll campaign this year. We could not have done it without you.

September 2018

Jim Conko

For his dedication to the order and his time and effort in installing the new church sign. Jim is also very involved with coordinating our Highway Cleanup and fixing things around the parish.

August 2018

Alex Haybok

Thanks for all of your efforts to make credit / debit card payments a reality for our Council. Alex also created and launched the council's website and serves as Chairman and Webmaster. He participates in many council events throughout the year and is an active member of our Parish community.